My 120g tank is overflowing with Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemones that keep splitting. I probably have close to 60 at this point, and I really want to thin out the herd so I can change the direction of coral in my tank. I have tried craigslist, and sold probably close to 50 RBTAs over the past 6 months, but I think that I have sold to everyone in the Cleveland region because I am getting no more hits1
In essence, the this post is for me to get some assistance on how I should go about starting to sell and ship these Anemones. This would be my first time shipping any livestock from my tank, and I want to make sure I do it right so nobody gets a dead Anemone.
Any help would be appreciated.
In essence, the this post is for me to get some assistance on how I should go about starting to sell and ship these Anemones. This would be my first time shipping any livestock from my tank, and I want to make sure I do it right so nobody gets a dead Anemone.
- Should I be shipping anemones using one or two day shipping?
- If the weather conditions are too hot or too cold in the region that they will ship to, should I be hesitant to ship them there?
- What type of heating/cooling packs do you recommend for performance, and for cost?
- Do I need to use a insulated foam shipping box, if so does anyone have recommendations?
- USPS, FedEx, or UPS
Any help would be appreciated.