I think my small sea apple has been snacked on by a crab. It was on the sandbed and since then I have moved it up on the glass. About half of its feeders are now stubs. Does anyone know if they will regrow?
I know the picture doesn't show them extended now but I would have thought that if it were being snacked on, that it would have nuked the tank. Guess not. It used to have red stalks with white bushy tips for its feeders and now about half are just red stubs with this flesh? dangling from it.
Anything I can do?
I know the picture doesn't show them extended now but I would have thought that if it were being snacked on, that it would have nuked the tank. Guess not. It used to have red stalks with white bushy tips for its feeders and now about half are just red stubs with this flesh? dangling from it.
Anything I can do?