The tank is a reefer 350, been up and running for 14 months, first corals added about 3 months ago. So recently I’ve changed salt from Red Sea blue to Red Sea coral pro(red). And just realized that the dhk of that salt is around 11.5-12. I plan on doing frequent water changes to bring my nutrient down. Now the issue is my dhk is creeping up… should I be worried? I see a lot of people run different dkh on their tank, I just want to understand the importance of dkh. I have mostly soft (70%) and lps(25%) and a single sps coral. Should I add something to the salt mix to bring dkh down before adding fresh saltwater? Because I don’t want to waste the salt I got already. I’ve added my parameters as well. Thanks! For reading and helping me understand if possible!
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