Hi all, around a year ago I bought a royal dottyback from a lfs but about a month after having it i found out it was actually the more agressive dottyback. My cleaner shrimp died around the time of me getting it but i thought it just died since i had it for a year or so before so i thought it might have just gotten sick. Anyways I got another shrimp a month ago after not having one for a while and it died within a week of me getting it and its body was nowhere to be seen.( I only have a flametail blenny and an ocellaris clown pair that have both been in the tank longer than the dottyback) and recently ive been wanting to get more stock for my tank like a firefish but im scared that the dottyback will just kill it. Ive seen it shown aggressiveness to the clownfish but no major fights and the blenny has his own turbo snail shell so he just chills there all day. What should i do should i take it out of the tank and see if my lfs will take it or just deal with it? I just want to cause the least amount of stress for my guys. Thanks