I have seen other threads showing how to replace the DOS pump fittings with John Guest push fit connectors to use 1/4 inch RODI tubing, but my local home depot didn’t have the 1/8 inch female threaded to 1/4 inch push-fit, and I am impatient…
So I remembered an old trick for form fitting my mouth guard when I played football and applied it here. I stuck the end of a piece of RODI tubing into a glass of boiling hot water for a few seconds and then shoved the RODI tubing onto the existing nipple fitting of the DOS pump heads and tightened down the nut. Voila! Tight seal, holds up to strong tugging, and calibrated perfectly after priming. I think it is a much cleaner look and more manageable than the flexible kink-prone tubes that come with it. And… pretty colors
So I remembered an old trick for form fitting my mouth guard when I played football and applied it here. I stuck the end of a piece of RODI tubing into a glass of boiling hot water for a few seconds and then shoved the RODI tubing onto the existing nipple fitting of the DOS pump heads and tightened down the nut. Voila! Tight seal, holds up to strong tugging, and calibrated perfectly after priming. I think it is a much cleaner look and more manageable than the flexible kink-prone tubes that come with it. And… pretty colors