Reefkeeping: Patience or Persistence or Something Else?



Reef keeping with Military Precision!
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Jan 5, 2016
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Persistence, patience, and ... problem solving. There is no auto pilot in this hobby and what worked yesterday may suddenly not today. Observe, make slow changes, and try, try again.

Very true! That definitely takes Persistence!


Anemone hound
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I learned persistence from my grandfather and the Army. I learned patience from my kids and reef keeping and tbh I still don’t have the patience thing all the way down yet lol. But on the forums I try to be patient with newer reef keepers and as with my children it’s hard sometimes. I’ve noticed a lot of people come on forums to find a fix for their problems and that’s great. But when advice is given they don’t want to hear the truths they are being told and it can be very aggravating tbh. There is also so many new people that don’t do their research before jumping into this hobby and buy things that a lfs tell them is fine but in reality they have no business owning at all. While I’ve been in this hobby a long time with all this new technology at our fingertips if I find something I like i take the time while at the store or at the house to research these said animals or equipment doesn’t take long to do this. But I don’t think this is lack of patience on their part tbh because they are new and don’t know what this hobby really entails. I think they are lacking planning and their lack of planning never gives their patience a chance because it’s all fubared from the start.
Now all the new technology doesn’t help either I run my reef with very little and it works imagine that. This new technology has so much promise of almost not having to interact with your tank that people think it’s a auto pilot and they don’t known what signs to look for if things are going bad before they get so bad it’s a panic to fix something that could have been so easy to fix and there again is where patience is replaced with panic and chemical fixes. Log into the froums and a lot of posts are tank emergency please help! Or help me my fish is sick, dying, or dead. There is no chance for patience here these folks first rub with the hobby is bad right outta the gate. Because of miss information and bad or no planning. Sorry for my rambling just things I’ve noticed. I try to help as much as I can but sometimes I have to use my patience and walk away because of others persistence of not wanting to hear the answers they aren’t looking for.

Happy reefing everyone.



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Persistence, patience, and ... problem solving. There is no auto pilot in this hobby and what worked yesterday may suddenly not today. Observe, make slow changes, and try, try again.
In the spirit of alliteration (and channeling my martial arts instructor...), I'll add perseverance. Never, ever give up!!!!


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There have been so many advancements made in technology over the last 10-20 years. With everything we have at our fingertips these days , it’s very easy to get into a hurry. I find myself looking for instant gratification sometimes. I can only image growing up and not seeing what it was like before all these advancements. That helps put things in perspective. As a hobby it’s gotten much much more user friendly!! With that being said the best we can do is to continue to help folks understand that this is for pleasure, the shear enjoyment and wonderment of it. It’s time to slow down, learn, relax and enjoy the challenge and the ride. [emoji4] It’s a wonderful learning experience and the end results will justify the means!

I told myself, I was going to excercise Patience and read to completion before commenting. I got inspired be your first post and this post. First, I commend you on selection of this topic. I did enjoy your scripture verse as it’s a favorite. I also like Romans’s 12:1-2.

You sir are a “distinguished gentleman”. I was always impressed with “Toys for Tots”. “Warriors in Combat” and “Gentle in Spirit”. Your traditions & valour are to be lifted up and praised. You Marines have the best uniforms. I wore dress blues, you guys called us the Air “Farce”. Then, when you asked, we rained fire. I was a crew chief on Puff during Vietnam. I was too young to know fear. Today, 50 years later, I joined a “Band of Brothers” that mentor “Kids at Risk” in a fraternity “Kids Outdoor Zone”. Kids are fun and they are challenging. They are our next leaders. We strive to develope confidence through exercise of survival skills. They give me energy and a desire for “Authentic Manhood”. In serving, we find our essence.

A Cajun Aggie
PS: “Reefkeeping with Military Precision” made me chuckle a lot. I am a “Laissez Faire” reefkeeper who keeps it simple. I have Faith in Intelligent Design. I have seen His perfection in the holistic nature of the “coral holobiont”. I have been reefing since Vietnam, about 48 years. Because I am old school I say:

Less Technology and More Biology
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Reef keeping with Military Precision!
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Jan 5, 2016
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I told myself, I was going to excercise Patience and read to completion before commenting. I got inspired be your first post and this post. First, I commend you on selection of this topic. I did enjoy your scripture verse as it’s a favorite. I also like Romans’s 12:1-2.

You sir are a “distinguished gentleman”. I was always impressed with “Toys for Tots”. “Warriors in Combat” and “Gentle in Spirit”. Your traditions & valour are to be lifted up and praised. You Marines have the best uniforms. I wore dress blues, you guys called us the Air “Farce”. Then, when you asked, we rained fire. I was a crew chief on Puff during Vietnam. I was too young to know fear. Today, 50 years later, I joined a “Band of Brothers” that mentor “Kids at Risk” in a fraternity “Kids Outdoor Zone”. Kids are fun and they are challenging. They are our next leaders. We strive to develope confidence through exercise of survival skills. They give me energy and a desire for “Authentic Manhood”. In serving, we find our essence.

A Cajun Aggie
PS: “Reefkeeping with Military Precision” made me chuckle a lot. I am a “Laissez Faire” reefkeeper who keeps it simple. I have Faith in Intelligent Design. I have seen His perfection in the holistic nature of the “coral holobiont”. I have been reefing since Vietnam, about 48 years. Because I am old school I say:

Less Technology and More Biology

I want to thank you Sir for taking the time to read my article. It truly encourages me to see that it has touched you . To know that this article has reached someone who’s been doing this for such a long time means a great deal to me. When I wrote it I had high hopes for it to stir something up in the younger generation. Now I see that it has the ability to reach every generation. My attempt was to connect us all through common ground. I’m very happy to see that this has been successful.

I want to give you a salute for the amazing outdoor Ministry that you are a part of. The future looks very bright with the dedication to impart “ Authentic manhood” Amazing! God Bless you and God Bless KOZ!

My motto of ReefKeeping with Military Precision lends itself well with Patience and Perseverance . Don’t you think?? :)

Hats off to you! You Sir are a true Gentleman! :)


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I marvel at One Spirit!

This morning, not knowing what to expect as I attended my first gathering with KOZ., I heard the motivational speaker, a retired Marine, talk to us on Paitience. One bullet point which challenged my previous concept of how to experience Patience.

Go fishing and hunting. The rewards of Patience are unlimited!

My previous Old School definition of Patience was , If you pray for Patience, God will send you “Trials & Tribulation”. because then it takes Persistence & Patience to Endure. I so much better like what the Marine said,

“Let’s go fishing”
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Victoria M

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That is so true. There are so many painful challenges in this hobby that stubbornness is a required characteristic. I try to focus on the good, learn from the bad. And obviously we get some weird crazy thrill from our aquariums or we would not do it. Lol.
I am quoting myself, yep. I do remind salty folks they are obviously are of a stubborn variety or they would not be in this hobby. All successful aquarists are stubborn. We have got to be.

Victoria M

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Talking to my oldest son about being patient as he enters college to be a teacher. He asked with a good amount of annoyance in his voice “so what? Should I pray for patience?” I replied “only if your stupid.” The discussion then moved on to my belief that god does not give us certain characteristics but instead they are developed through painful life experiences. (Or you are just born a certain way) He may send you more opportunities to developed said requested character. Or he may not, one never knows. But good lord don’t pray for patience. LOL.


Reef keeping with Military Precision!
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Jan 5, 2016
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Las Marias, Puerto Rico
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Talking to my oldest son about being patient as he enters college to be a teacher. He asked with a good amount of annoyance in his voice “so what? Should I pray for patience?” I replied “only if your stupid.” The discussion then moved on to my belief that god does not give us certain characteristics but instead they are developed through painful life experiences. (Or you are just born a certain way) He may send you more opportunities to developed said requested character. Or he may not, one never knows. But good lord don’t pray for patience. LOL.

That is sound advice lol...

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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