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R2R Username: @thekoralito
My Tank Thread: The Koralito's Custom Penisula Mixed Reef Tank


Hello fellow reefers! My name is Rocky Eliseo or you may know me as The Koralito @thekoralito on Instagram. I have been keeping freshwater fish since I was a kid back in the Philippines and only started the saltwater hobby 5 years ago. It started with getting a used 50 gal aquarium and at the time I was deciding to set up a cichlid tank. But my family pushed me to setup a saltwater tank for the first time. The first setup in 2019 (pre-COVID) was a huge failure with zero experience and no research. Since then, I make sure to do some research and that is when I realized there is a huge online community online.

Fast forward to today, I have 5 saltwater tanks and 1 koi pond.

I was also featured in the Aquarium Portrait in both Koralle Magazin in Germany for the April 2023 edition and CORAL Magazine here in the USA for the May/June 2023 edition. I was also featured and interviewed on WWC YouTube channel. Very recently, I have also won the TSA Coral Smackdown.

My biggest aquarium is a used custom peninsula tank that I bought from a guy’s garage in 2020 - a second upgrade from the 50gal that I had. The setup is a mixed reef.


System Profile:

Display tank: Custom Peninsula Tank (60”x36”x29”
Glass or Acrylic: Glass
Stand: Custom Metal Stand
Sump: Custom 80gal sump with refugium
Grow-out tank: none
Protein skimmer: Dalua Great White GW-17
Carbon/phosphate filtration: BRS Rox Carbon, Rowaphos
Return pump: Reeflo SuperDart-Snapper Gold Hybrid Pump
Water circulation: AquaIllumination Orbit 4, 2 x Skimz SuperSilent SS18.0 Wavemaker Pump, Sicce XStream SDS Propeller Pump, Dalua Great White Wavemaker 20,000 lph, SeaSwirl Oscillating Water Return
Lighting (display): 8 x Illumagic X4
Lighting (grow-out): none
Lighting (refugium): 2 x Illumagic Pixel Refugium
Calcium/alkalinity/magnesium dosing equipment: GHL Doser 2.1 Slave
Auto top-off: GHL sensor with GHL Doser 2.1 Slave
Heating/cooling: JBJ Arctica Chiller 1/3 HP (DBM-250), Fluval M100 Submersible Heater 100W
System control: GHL Profilux Aquarium Controller (GHL Profilux 4 Mega-Set), GHL KH Director

Any other details: 1.) Aquascaping: Well-established live rocks, 100lbs (45 kg) CaribSea Arag-Live! Fiji Pink Sand 2.) Water Supply: Bulk Reef Supply (BRS) 6 Stage Deluxe Plus 75 GPD RO/DI System 3.) Filtration: Red Sea ReefMat 1200 Fleece Roller Filter, AquaMaxxx AF-1 Automatic Filter Roller, Pentair SMART UV EU40 40W UV Sterilizer 4.) Water Chemistry Maintenance: Red Sea Salt for salinity adjustment and emergency water changes, BRS Soda Ash (alkalinity), BRS Calcium Chloride (calcium), BRS Pharma Magnesium Mix (magnesium), Brightwell Potassion-P, Trace element dosing with Reefmoonshiners’ and ATI Elements as informed by ATI ICP/Oceamo, Manual nutrient testing with Hanna Instrument Checkers



Water Circulation and Flow Summary and Objectives:
Having a mixed-reef setup, flow is quite a challenge making sure all corals are happy. A lot of trial and testing have been performed including but not limited to replacement of the corals to meet the required flow. The goal is to always have a random flow and always start on the corals that require the most flow such as the SPS and work your way down.

Water Parameters:
  • Temp: 77-79deg F
  • pH: 8.2 -8.4
  • Specific gravity: 1.025
  • NO3: 40-60ppm
  • Ca: 440ppm
  • Alk: 8.45ppm
  • Mg: 1350ppm
  • PO4: 0.15-0.20 ppm
  • Ammonia and nitrites: undetectable

What salt mix do you use?
For the longest time, I have been using Instant Ocean Reef Crystals as it is always readily available and inexpensive. But, recently I have switched to Red Sea Salt after getting a good deal from a friend and noticed how clean it is and mixes faster. I do not perform regular water changes so the salt is only used mainly for salinity adjustment and in case of emergency water changes.

What kind of rock did you start with?
What kind of rock did you start with? (live, dry, combination): I got lucky enough to have well-established live rocks that are around 10 years old. But if I need or have to add more rocks, I use CaribSea dry rocks.

What is your substrate?
100lbs (45 kg) CaribSea Arag-Live! Fiji Pink Sand


Calcium/Alkalinity/Magnesium Summary and Objectives:
I use the Avast Kalk Stirrer K2 with BRS Soda Ash (alkalinity), BRS Calcium Chloride (calcium), and BRS Pharma Magnesium Mix (magnesium). The kalk stirrer operates 24/7 to help with pH stability and alkalinity and attached to the ATO system. Soda ash (dosed with GHL Doser 2.1) is being dosed if needed. Calcium chloride (dosed with GHL Doser 2.1) is being dosed automatically. Magnesium adjustment is performed manually.

Are you dosing anything else for your reef health (carbon dosing, aminos, etc.)?
I do not perform water changes so it is important to replenish what is being used by the corals. I dose trace elements daily with Reefmoonshiners’ and ATI Elements as informed by the ATI ICP/Oceamo. Initially, I sent water sample every 2 weeks for about 3 months to familiarize my tank consumption. Once I gathered the results, I took the average consumption to determine my dosage. Note that as the corals grow, the consumption increases so it is very important to continue sending a water sample for any dosing adjustment which I do every 3 months now.


Lighting Summary and Objectives:


  • Display tank: The Illumagic X4 runs from 11AM to 9PM with 2-hour ramp up and down.
  • Grow-out tank: none
  • Refugium: Runs for 12 hours after the display tanks lights off

Filtration and Water Quality Summary and Objectives:

What is your export strategy?

Both the skimmer and refugium are my main export strategy. If the nutrient becomes elevated, I carbon-dose and/or use GFO.

What is your maintenance routine?
Daily: Manual dose of trace elements, feed the fish, feed corals every 2-3 days
Weekly: clean the glass, refill dosing containers
Other: replace roller matts, clean skimmer every a month or two, replace UV bulb every year


Tank Inhabitants - Fish:
1. 2 x Spotcinctus Clownfish, Amphiprion bicinctus
2. 2 x Ocelaris Clownfish
3. 2 x Biota captive-bred Yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens
4. Yellow Belly Hepatus tang
5. Orange Shoulder Tang
6. Blonde Naso Tang
7. Powder Blue Tang
8. Sailfin Tang
9. Convict Tang
10. Melanurus Wrasse
11. Sixline Wrasse
12. Mandarin dragonette

Other Invertebrates:
1. T. Derasa Giant clam
2. Cleanup crew consisting sand-sifting starfish, nassarius snails, blue linkia starfish, and other assorted hermit crabs and snails


Tank Inhabitants— Corals:
The SPS corals include Acropora tenuis, A. millepora, along with Staghorn type acros, 3 types Seriatopora (Birdsnest); Pocilopora; Montipora Digitata ‘Forest Fire’ and ‘Red’ ; Montipora Capricornius ‘Red’ ‘Green’ ‘Season’s Greetings’ and ‘Grafted’; ASD Rising Phoenix, and Rainbow Encrusting Montipora. LPS corals include Fimbriaphyllia divisa, F. ancora, F. yaeyamaensis, Euphyllia glabrescnes, Indophylia, Acantophyllia, Goniopora, Blastomussa, Favia, Duncanopsammia axifuga, Caulastrea sp., and Acanthastrea enchinata. Numerous assorted mushrooms, zoanthids, green star polyps, and fireworks clove polyps



Fish and Coral Feeding:
Fish food: EasyReef Masstick, nori, PE Mysis. Fish are fed frozen food twice daily.
Coral Food: Brightwell Reef Blizzard-s, Brightwell Reef Blizzard-o, Polyplab ReefRoids, Algaebarn OceanMagik phytoplankton, EasyReef Easy SPS EVO


How did you decide what to keep in your tank?
I am more for by the looks and not the names when it comes to buying corals. Coral coloration is also important for me and that is also one of the deciding factors where to place them so each coral stand out. When it comes to fish and inverts, they need to have a role as well like the tangs are my main clean-up crew for algae, the sand-sifting starfish to help clean the sand, the wrasses to help control the pod population.

Any stocking regrets?
Currently, I am happy with what I have when it comes to fish. But as far coral is concerned, I have the green discosoma mushrooms that are growing fast and very difficult to get rid of.

Any fish, invert, or coral you will NEVER keep?
Most likely fish that are not compatible with my reef such as butterfly and angelfish although they are really beautiful. Any Mushrooms corals are a big no for me because of my current situation with the green discosoma mushrooms.


What do you love most about the hobby?
Ever since I was a kid Ive always loved fish. But as an adult, I love how it gives me the tool to showcase my talent in arts. For me, rescaping and placing each and every corals are like art to have a beautiful aquarium. All my tanks are designed and setup differently.

How long have you been doing this?
I have been fish keeping since I was 8 years old. But I have only started reef keeping 5 years ago.


Who was responsible for getting you into the hobby?
My family.

Who or what in the hobby most influences/inspires you?
My supporters

If you could have any tank, what size would it be and why?
If I could have another tank, I would like to have a shallow tank than what I have right now. I am a short guy so it is hard to reach the bottom of my tank lol probably a 400gal is a good size.


Favorite fish?

Favorite coral?

Favorite invert?



How do you typically get over setbacks?
I am an achiever and competitive so if I really have to get over something, I will just need to push myself even more.

Have you faced any major challenges with this particular tank, and if so, how did you overcome?
Living in Florida, we encounter hurricanes yearly. We had some power outages in the past that caused some sleepless nights. I used to float some ice cubes in multiple bags to keep the tank cool down. But ever since, we have kept generators. A must have living in Florida even without a reef tank.


What's the best thing you ever bought for your tank?
A roller mat

What are your future plans for improvement/upgrade of the tank?
My tank is a peninsula. The other side is always not a good sight because of the frag racks. I really do not like them. It has also made me become lazy fragging. My goal is to have a frag tank one day.

Any special tips for success or advice you'd like to share with other reefers?
It depends on the size of the tank and the setup, but overall, learn your tank’s needs as every tank is different. Stick to what is/are working. Focus on the basics first. Know your salt if you are doing water changes. Know your water. Know your lighting from par to spectrum.


What is one of your technique in winning the TSA Coral Smackdown?
I have learned in the past that gluing your corals horizontally make them grow faster. So I did that during the competition.

Final Thoughts:
It is not true that you need to be rich to have a reef tank or to be a successful reefer. To be successful is to have a passion and love for the hobby.




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Beautiful! But as beautiful as everything is the NO3 and PO4 levels caught my eye. Just goes to show you don't need NO3 10 and PO4 0.03 to succeed ;)
Yes, my nutrients been like that ever since. I think it is from the live rocks I got. Idk. But corals are happy the way it is. I dont chase it though.


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Hello fellow reefers! My name is Rocky Eliseo or you may know me as The Koralito @thekoralito on Instagram. I have been keeping freshwater fish since I was a kid back in the Philippines and only started the saltwater hobby 5 years ago. It started with getting a used 50 gal aquarium and at the time I was deciding to set up a cichlid tank. But my family pushed me to setup a saltwater tank for the first time. The first setup in 2019 (pre-COVID) was a huge failure with zero experience and no research. Since then, I make sure to do some research and that is when I realized there is a huge online community online.

Fast forward to today, I have 5 saltwater tanks and 1 koi pond.

I was also featured in the Aquarium Portrait in both Koralle Magazin in Germany for the April 2023 edition and CORAL Magazine here in the USA for the May/June 2023 edition. I was also featured and interviewed on WWC YouTube channel. Very recently, I have also won the TSA Coral Smackdown.

My biggest aquarium is a used custom peninsula tank that I bought from a guy’s garage in 2020 - a second upgrade from the 50gal that I had. The setup is a mixed reef.


System Profile:

Display tank: Custom Peninsula Tank (60”x36”x29”
Glass or Acrylic: Glass
Stand: Custom Metal Stand
Sump: Custom 80gal sump with refugium
Grow-out tank: none
Protein skimmer: Dalua Great White GW-17
Carbon/phosphate filtration: BRS Rox Carbon, Rowaphos
Return pump: Reeflo SuperDart-Snapper Gold Hybrid Pump
Water circulation: AquaIllumination Orbit 4, 2 x Skimz SuperSilent SS18.0 Wavemaker Pump, Sicce XStream SDS Propeller Pump, Dalua Great White Wavemaker 20,000 lph, SeaSwirl Oscillating Water Return
Lighting (display): 8 x Illumagic X4
Lighting (grow-out): none
Lighting (refugium): 2 x Illumagic Pixel Refugium
Calcium/alkalinity/magnesium dosing equipment: GHL Doser 2.1 Slave
Auto top-off: GHL sensor with GHL Doser 2.1 Slave
Heating/cooling: JBJ Arctica Chiller 1/3 HP (DBM-250), Fluval M100 Submersible Heater 100W
System control: GHL Profilux Aquarium Controller (GHL Profilux 4 Mega-Set), GHL KH Director

Any other details: 1.) Aquascaping: Well-established live rocks, 100lbs (45 kg) CaribSea Arag-Live! Fiji Pink Sand 2.) Water Supply: Bulk Reef Supply (BRS) 6 Stage Deluxe Plus 75 GPD RO/DI System 3.) Filtration: Red Sea ReefMat 1200 Fleece Roller Filter, AquaMaxxx AF-1 Automatic Filter Roller, Pentair SMART UV EU40 40W UV Sterilizer 4.) Water Chemistry Maintenance: Red Sea Salt for salinity adjustment and emergency water changes, BRS Soda Ash (alkalinity), BRS Calcium Chloride (calcium), BRS Pharma Magnesium Mix (magnesium), Brightwell Potassion-P, Trace element dosing with Reefmoonshiners’ and ATI Elements as informed by ATI ICP/Oceamo, Manual nutrient testing with Hanna Instrument Checkers



Water Circulation and Flow Summary and Objectives:
Having a mixed-reef setup, flow is quite a challenge making sure all corals are happy. A lot of trial and testing have been performed including but not limited to replacement of the corals to meet the required flow. The goal is to always have a random flow and always start on the corals that require the most flow such as the SPS and work your way down.

Water Parameters:
  • Temp: 77-79deg F
  • pH: 8.2 -8.4
  • Specific gravity: 1.025
  • NO3: 40-60ppm
  • Ca: 440ppm
  • Alk: 8.45ppm
  • Mg: 1350ppm
  • PO4: 0.15-0.20 ppm
  • Ammonia and nitrites: undetectable

What salt mix do you use?
For the longest time, I have been using Instant Ocean Reef Crystals as it is always readily available and inexpensive. But, recently I have switched to Red Sea Salt after getting a good deal from a friend and noticed how clean it is and mixes faster. I do not perform regular water changes so the salt is only used mainly for salinity adjustment and in case of emergency water changes.

What kind of rock did you start with?
What kind of rock did you start with? (live, dry, combination): I got lucky enough to have well-established live rocks that are around 10 years old. But if I need or have to add more rocks, I use CaribSea dry rocks.

What is your substrate?
100lbs (45 kg) CaribSea Arag-Live! Fiji Pink Sand


Calcium/Alkalinity/Magnesium Summary and Objectives:
I use the Avast Kalk Stirrer K2 with BRS Soda Ash (alkalinity), BRS Calcium Chloride (calcium), and BRS Pharma Magnesium Mix (magnesium). The kalk stirrer operates 24/7 to help with pH stability and alkalinity and attached to the ATO system. Soda ash (dosed with GHL Doser 2.1) is being dosed if needed. Calcium chloride (dosed with GHL Doser 2.1) is being dosed automatically. Magnesium adjustment is performed manually.

Are you dosing anything else for your reef health (carbon dosing, aminos, etc.)?
I do not perform water changes so it is important to replenish what is being used by the corals. I dose trace elements daily with Reefmoonshiners’ and ATI Elements as informed by the ATI ICP/Oceamo. Initially, I sent water sample every 2 weeks for about 3 months to familiarize my tank consumption. Once I gathered the results, I took the average consumption to determine my dosage. Note that as the corals grow, the consumption increases so it is very important to continue sending a water sample for any dosing adjustment which I do every 3 months now.


Lighting Summary and Objectives:


  • Display tank: The Illumagic X4 runs from 11AM to 9PM with 2-hour ramp up and down.
  • Grow-out tank: none
  • Refugium: Runs for 12 hours after the display tanks lights off

Filtration and Water Quality Summary and Objectives:

What is your export strategy?

Both the skimmer and refugium are my main export strategy. If the nutrient becomes elevated, I carbon-dose and/or use GFO.

What is your maintenance routine?
Daily: Manual dose of trace elements, feed the fish, feed corals every 2-3 days
Weekly: clean the glass, refill dosing containers
Other: replace roller matts, clean skimmer every a month or two, replace UV bulb every year


Tank Inhabitants - Fish:
1. 2 x Spotcinctus Clownfish, Amphiprion bicinctus
2. 2 x Ocelaris Clownfish
3. 2 x Biota captive-bred Yellow tang, Zebrasoma flavescens
4. Yellow Belly Hepatus tang
5. Orange Shoulder Tang
6. Blonde Naso Tang
7. Powder Blue Tang
8. Sailfin Tang
9. Convict Tang
10. Melanurus Wrasse
11. Sixline Wrasse
12. Mandarin dragonette

Other Invertebrates:
1. T. Derasa Giant clam
2. Cleanup crew consisting sand-sifting starfish, nassarius snails, blue linkia starfish, and other assorted hermit crabs and snails


Tank Inhabitants— Corals:
The SPS corals include Acropora tenuis, A. millepora, along with Staghorn type acros, 3 types Seriatopora (Birdsnest); Pocilopora; Montipora Digitata ‘Forest Fire’ and ‘Red’ ; Montipora Capricornius ‘Red’ ‘Green’ ‘Season’s Greetings’ and ‘Grafted’; ASD Rising Phoenix, and Rainbow Encrusting Montipora. LPS corals include Fimbriaphyllia divisa, F. ancora, F. yaeyamaensis, Euphyllia glabrescnes, Indophylia, Acantophyllia, Goniopora, Blastomussa, Favia, Duncanopsammia axifuga, Caulastrea sp., and Acanthastrea enchinata. Numerous assorted mushrooms, zoanthids, green star polyps, and fireworks clove polyps



Fish and Coral Feeding:
Fish food: EasyReef Masstick, nori, PE Mysis. Fish are fed frozen food twice daily.
Coral Food: Brightwell Reef Blizzard-s, Brightwell Reef Blizzard-o, Polyplab ReefRoids, Algaebarn OceanMagik phytoplankton, EasyReef Easy SPS EVO


How did you decide what to keep in your tank?
I am more for by the looks and not the names when it comes to buying corals. Coral coloration is also important for me and that is also one of the deciding factors where to place them so each coral stand out. When it comes to fish and inverts, they need to have a role as well like the tangs are my main clean-up crew for algae, the sand-sifting starfish to help clean the sand, the wrasses to help control the pod population.

Any stocking regrets?
Currently, I am happy with what I have when it comes to fish. But as far coral is concerned, I have the green discosoma mushrooms that are growing fast and very difficult to get rid of.

Any fish, invert, or coral you will NEVER keep?
Most likely fish that are not compatible with my reef such as butterfly and angelfish although they are really beautiful. Any Mushrooms corals are a big no for me because of my current situation with the green discosoma mushrooms.


What do you love most about the hobby?
Ever since I was a kid Ive always loved fish. But as an adult, I love how it gives me the tool to showcase my talent in arts. For me, rescaping and placing each and every corals are like art to have a beautiful aquarium. All my tanks are designed and setup differently.

How long have you been doing this?
I have been fish keeping since I was 8 years old. But I have only started reef keeping 5 years ago.


Who was responsible for getting you into the hobby?
My family.

Who or what in the hobby most influences/inspires you?
My supporters

If you could have any tank, what size would it be and why?
If I could have another tank, I would like to have a shallow tank than what I have right now. I am a short guy so it is hard to reach the bottom of my tank lol probably a 400gal is a good size.


Favorite fish?

Favorite coral?

Favorite invert?



How do you typically get over setbacks?
I am an achiever and competitive so if I really have to get over something, I will just need to push myself even more.

Have you faced any major challenges with this particular tank, and if so, how did you overcome?
Living in Florida, we encounter hurricanes yearly. We had some power outages in the past that caused some sleepless nights. I used to float some ice cubes in multiple bags to keep the tank cool down. But ever since, we have kept generators. A must have living in Florida even without a reef tank.


What's the best thing you ever bought for your tank?
A roller mat

What are your future plans for improvement/upgrade of the tank?
My tank is a peninsula. The other side is always not a good sight because of the frag racks. I really do not like them. It has also made me become lazy fragging. My goal is to have a frag tank one day.

Any special tips for success or advice you'd like to share with other reefers?
It depends on the size of the tank and the setup, but overall, learn your tank’s needs as every tank is different. Stick to what is/are working. Focus on the basics first. Know your salt if you are doing water changes. Know your water. Know your lighting from par to spectrum.


What is one of your technique in winning the TSA Coral Smackdown?
I have learned in the past that gluing your corals horizontally make them grow faster. So I did that during the competition.

Final Thoughts:
It is not true that you need to be rich to have a reef tank or to be a successful reefer. To be successful is to have a passion and love for the hobby.


Thank you very much!