Hello all. I had a question, and this may be a dumb one, regarding a MP10 and power outages. After many years in the hobby, I finally acquired a MP10 used from a friend. It was in good condition and had been running just fine. A while back, it quit working on me, and I found someone selling another for parts, so I bought that in hopes of making one out of the two. I tried every combo of parts and ended up getting it working by using the power supply from the parts pump with everything else from the original. Again, it had been working perfectly for a while, but we just had a storm come through that knocked out our power, and I'm having the same error code from it again. It's blinking red and green and no factory reset will work on it as it's unreceptive to the button pushes. It's the exact same thing it was doing the first time, but I have not messed with it yet to verify if it is the power supply again. It was working right up to the power interrupt and then had issues after the power came back on. I am drawing conclusions at this point, but I'm going to assume the power supply is the issue again since it's doing the exact same thing as the first time. I absolutely love the pump so far, but the cost is going to add up quickly if I have to replace a power supply everytime a storm knocks out the power, which may cause me to have to consider other options. Does this sound normal for the MP pumps? Has anyone else had this problem? Most importantly, what can I do to prevent this from happening again? I certainly would prefer to keep the MP10, but I need to find a solution to this problem to keep it from becoming too high maintenance. Will just a regular surge protector power strip prevent this? I have one installed, but it's older and perhaps needs to be replaced? Anything else I can put between the wall and the power supply to keep it safe? Will EcoTech's battery backup prevent this? Will a power surge/power outage affect/damage the battery backup instead? I'd love to find the solution so I can get the pump setup for success from here on out. I'd love to hear your suggestions.
Thank you.
Thank you.