This is my second Linear (Klausewitz) blenny. The first lasted many years and I never saw this behavior. My new one has started changing the color on the back half of his body from brown to white. This happens intermittently as he is swimming around. It only started after I have had him several months. He can change from normal coloration to the back half white (with some spots) in 20-30 seconds. Then be back to normal a few minutes later. There does not seem to be another fish being aggressive to him so I don't think it is a stress reaction? I have mated percs (laying eggs every 3 weeks), yellow, green, citron, engineer gobies, 3 pajama cardinals and a coral beauty. Everyone gets along and the only aggression I have seen is when a fish/Snail gets too close to the clowns eggs or my coral beauty killed a Fusilear Damsel in 24 hours after adding it (after lights out) maybe 6 weeks ago? (Not sure why? I was looking for an Anthius to add and found this unusual Damsel that I thought I would try, but it didn't work out).
Has anyone else seen this type of behavior in a Linear blenny? He seems healthy, no fin issues, eats well, swims around and perches on my corals.
Has anyone else seen this type of behavior in a Linear blenny? He seems healthy, no fin issues, eats well, swims around and perches on my corals.