It’s order like ordering from warehouse, not specific sizes. But I can ask anyways. Can you drill it if you empty part of it later on, or really need to from the start. Drilling a top overflow would be ideal but I’m a bit of a chicken. I’m surprised our local shops don’t do it.
What do you think of the glass canopy’s? Anything else I should think to order with it as an essential?
I’m like working out one step at a time, because I almost ordered a auto top off, ink bird etc and then find out they make things like the apex (still a bit too much I want to spend) but when you price things together maybe it’s not too diffferent.
The sump I was going to diy baffles but the kits on Amazon after buying the tank isn’t too far off from buying a sump. After regretting the tank immediately I feel like I’m over reading to prevent that with other items
Over reading is never a bad thing, but I understand the ability of all the information to be overwhelming.
I would not drill a tank that was established personally, as you're guaranteed to get stuff in it that I'm sure isn't healthy for the inhabitants. Also, should it go south they're now rapidly losing their home.
I rarely see glass lids on reef setups, but can't comment any further on that.
I know it's not what you'd like to hear, but I think planning out what you want to accomplish would help you answer a lot of your questions. Mainly 1) what livestock are you hoping to keep and 2) how far down the cash rabbit hole are you willing to go.