Possible bacteria bloom


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Aug 28, 2021
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Santa Maria
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So I bought a cheap uv and put it in and this morning the tank looks clearer but not perfect however I’m not sure if it’s entirely from the uv or because it had already been like that for a week and it was on its way to clearing up anyways? However my question is I don’t want to have to run this uv in my tank permanently as it’s not very attractive and takes up space and I have a sumpless system. However this is the second time my bacteria bloom has come back and it all seems to happen shortly after I add live stock whether it be fish or corals. Will my tank eventually balance out and is it just doing this because it’s still new? Or is this something I get to look forward to? Because I don’t remember dealing with this a few years ago when I had my other system setup.
your tank will balance out with time, you can keep the UV for a short time then take it off. You can maybe add them when you add new livestock for a couple days or weeks to avoid another bacteria bloom. I only experienced it I would say my first year year or year and a half. After that I haven't experienced any bacteria bloom, I don't have a UV sterilizer in my bowfront