I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but...
Whenever I turn my return pump off for maintenance or feeding and turn it back on I get large amount of what appears to be some sort of slime or maybe bacteria. It's whitish in color and slime looking. Any idea what this may be or causing it? My water is crystal clear otherwise and all tank parameters are in very good range as of a week ago. I will check them again tonight and update the post. IM 75G tank has been up and running for 9 or 10 months. Low bio load on the system. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Whenever I turn my return pump off for maintenance or feeding and turn it back on I get large amount of what appears to be some sort of slime or maybe bacteria. It's whitish in color and slime looking. Any idea what this may be or causing it? My water is crystal clear otherwise and all tank parameters are in very good range as of a week ago. I will check them again tonight and update the post. IM 75G tank has been up and running for 9 or 10 months. Low bio load on the system. Any help would be greatly appreciated.