Pete’s 40 cube build


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Yup. If your sump holds the volume that is going to drain during a power outage IF the valve fails, then you're safe. But... what's the check valve for? Isn't it supposed to _stop_ the back flow when the pump is off? If the system is designed so that the back flow isn't a problem, then you're adding complexity, cost, and maintenance... for no reason. Admittedly, it's not much complexity, cost, or maintenance, but still, if it's of no benefit, why add it?

Makes total sense... why add the redundancy if the sump can hold the volume.

I'm assuming and planning for the future when the sump refugium area gets filled with sand, rock and other items and how that will effect volume in the sump. Right now, with the nano sump I have, water should fill almost to the brim in the event of back siphon w/o a check valve.


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Makes total sense... why add the redundancy if the sump can hold the volume?

I think I'm being paranoid and I also didn't think of when I start adding mud, algae, rock and other items, how that will effect volume in the sump. It's a nano sump... not like I can add a whole lot to it. But if and when I do stock it up hopefully the volume won't be effected to much. If it is, I'll have the valve just in case.

In any case, thanks for input @Greybeard :)

Won't make any difference. Your normal water level is the only thing that will impact overflow capacity in the sump. If you're using one, where you put your ATO float. Space _above_ normal water level is what you're overflowing into. Sand, mud, algae, rock... all of that would be below 'normal' water level. What water volume that material displaces will be consistent, no matter if the system is running or not. If you test, and find that you don't have enough empty capacity in your sump, then lowering the ATO sensor and removing enough water to re-establish 'normal' water level will increase that capacity some. Of course, you can only remove so much before your return pump starts sucking air...
Top Shelf Aquatics


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You're going to want to ditch the ball valve for a gate valve on the drain pipe. I tried to do it this way with the ball valve and it just wasn't precise enough on the adjustments to keep the water level on the rear overflow box stable. I would end up having to adjust it up or down every couple days.

also do you have any pictures of the placement of the front overflow weir? I have this overflow in the Large size and ended up with the water level lower than I wanted it even with the weir all the way up as far as it could go (but my tank is not rimless.)


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Also if you haven't leak tested everything yet I had a very frustrating time with one of the bulkheads that passes through the tank into the rear box just wouldn't stop dripping no matter how tight I made them. I had the gaskets in the wrong order. Its supposed to be

WeirFlange==>Gasket==>Weir Box==>Glass==>Gasket==>Gasket==>Box==>Nut
No gasket in between nut and box.

Check out this thread I had started back when I installed this if you need more info


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Also if you haven't leak tested everything yet I had a very frustrating time with one of the bulkheads that passes through the tank into the rear box just wouldn't stop dripping no matter how tight I made them. I had the gaskets in the wrong order. Its supposed to be

WeirFlange==>Gasket==>Weir Box==>Glass==>Gasket==>Gasket==>Box==>Nut
No gasket in between nut and box.

Check out this thread I had started back when I installed this if you need more info
So your doubling up on the rubber gaskets on the outside glass?

I’ve also read a few posts on here with members putting the gaskets on both inside and outside glass with success. I am going to leak test everything and hopefully with the configuration I have on there now, it’ll pass.

As for the placement of my overflow, the tank is rimless so the overflow box (inside) is flush with the top of the glass.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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So your doubling up on the rubber gaskets on the outside glass?

Yes its doubled up on the outside glass. If you read the instructions very carefully (which I did not) that is how it says to do it. Now that did not seem like the logical configuration when I first pulled it out of the box and eagerly installed it on my tank. Fingers crossed yours doesn't leak but I didn't figure out mine was installed wrong until I had already glued all my PVC pipes and fittings together...


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Yes its doubled up on the outside glass. If you read the instructions very carefully (which I did not) that is how it says to do it. Now that did not seem like the logical configuration when I first pulled it out of the box and eagerly installed it on my tank. Fingers crossed yours doesn't leak but I didn't figure out mine was installed wrong until I had already glued all my PVC pipes and fittings together...

Instructions? Ha! Who reads those? :D

Yea I skimmed through them and also watched the Youtube video from Eshopps, just doesn't make sense to me. In any case, hoping one gasket is enough for the outside while the other one is on the inside glass. I'll be leak testing like I mentioned for a few days, unions will be my saving grace if something needs to be adjusted or taken apart.

Thanks for the input @bo0sted2g


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After a nightmare testing for leaks, I can finally say I’m dry! Had to replace a bulkhead on the overflow. IDK what was wrong with it but a new seemed to fix it.

Been running Rodi water for a few hours. Gonna give it another 24hrs before adding salt, rocks and sand.
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Looks nice! Hopefully your cycle goes faster than mine. Started almost 4 weeks ago; still have high nitrite but ammonia processing is good. I will recommend if you plan to run chaeto in the fuge to start it about a week after. I acclimated (and limited my growth of) my chaeto with 4 hours for the first week, 6 the next, and just bumped it to 12 because I'm starting to see nitrate production. It didn't grow much at first, but now it's taking off. It's becoming a stringy mess! I actually took out the pad between the fuge and return yesterday to avoid trapping garbage to become more ULM.


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Looks nice! Hopefully your cycle goes faster than mine. Started almost 4 weeks ago; still have high nitrite but ammonia processing is good. I will recommend if you plan to run chaeto in the fuge to start it about a week after. I acclimated (and limited my growth of) my chaeto with 4 hours for the first week, 6 the next, and just bumped it to 12 because I'm starting to see nitrate production. It didn't grow much at first, but now it's taking off. It's becoming a stringy mess! I actually took out the pad between the fuge and return yesterday to avoid trapping garbage to become more ULM.

Thanks! I browsed your build a few times, real nice!

As of last night, ph 7.8, ammonia, nitrate and nitrites all 0. The shrimp I threw into the DT last week has disintegrated and the cocoon jelly-like substance that was around it also floated away somewhere in the tank. I've noticed a ton of white copepods everywhere! Not sure thats what they are but thats what they look like. Adding the Bio Spira looks like it was a success. I'm still gonna test and ghost feed the tank for a few more days before adding any livestock.

One thing to note is I cured my pukani rock for a month and added the caribsea live sand mix - could have contributed to my fast cycle?

Chaeto... yes I plan on running it. Will most likely do an Amazon grow light and start it once I get a good bio-load in the tank.

Good luck with the cycle, hope it stabilizes quick for ya.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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hopefully your DCW2000 works for you. I bought one for my tank and after about a week it started to act up and would do a pulse type return. would flow for a few seconds then seem to shut off for a few seconds then back to flowing. then sometimes would flow for a few mins and then shut off then back on, somedays it works normal. I emailed that fishstreet store if they knew anything and they told me they dont sell that DCW line cause it has problems. I ordered a new DCA pump from them and hoping it runs better when I get it.


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hopefully your DCW2000 works for you. I bought one for my tank and after about a week it started to act up and would do a pulse type return. would flow for a few seconds then seem to shut off for a few seconds then back to flowing. then sometimes would flow for a few mins and then shut off then back on, somedays it works normal. I emailed that fishstreet store if they knew anything and they told me they dont sell that DCW line cause it has problems. I ordered a new DCA pump from them and hoping it runs better when I get it.
So far so good with the pump. I had some initial concerns in the first week with symptoms similar to what you described but now the pump runs just fine. Figure it just needed to be broken in. Good luck with yours.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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