Recently, I upgraded to a 125 gallon tank and put in a female pink square anthias (who hid in the rockwork for the first 3 days). I waited until she started eating and established more of a territory before putting in the clownfish pair (which was last night), along with a tailspot blenny that was in the 30 gal as well. Almost immediately, the anthias started to chase the clownfish away from her cave but after a few hours, she was tolerating them being on her side of the tank. I’ve never seen the clownfish fighting but through research, I discovered that juveniles will fight to establish who is female and male. I have noticed, the now smaller clown, shaking next to the larger one so I assume this is normal behavior. I haven’t noticed actual fighting but this morning, I discovered that the smaller clown has a constant open mouth and possibly scars or white ish spots around the mouth. They were also very attached in the old tank but not as close in the new tank just in the few hours I’ve observed.
I did wait until the tank was cycled but I read ammonia between 0-0.25ppm this morning as well and didn’t know if this could also cause the mouth issue. I know the presence of ammonia can weaken the immune system, causing disease. Here are my other parameters in case I missed something:
pH- 8.16
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 0
Temp- 78.5
Salinity- 1.023
Here are also the best pictures I could take as she is constantly moving: (possible male and the injured one is the frostbite, possible female and the aggressor has 2 stripes)
Please let me know if I need to test something else or if something stands out in the pictures. Keep in mind, this happened over night. I don’t want to lose these guys, they were expensive and my first saltwater fish so I am very attached!
The last pic was from last night. Very blurry but it doesn’t look like his mouth is open.