Optimize Calcium Reactor: OrionN's modification


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Great Jared. I will be in Houston this weekend. Do you want to meet up? With See Loong also. You will enjoy meeting him and see his tank

Yeah, we can do that. I’m only off Friday and Sunday. Just let me know.


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Do you have a pH meter with pH probe I can use? I don’t want to spend 350 to get a pH probe and meter. If I have one I can easily document that my modification works well

infact, anybody have a pH probe that I can borrow for about a week? Please let me know what f this is the case.

It’s this one. It’s very accurate. I’ll try to calibrate it tomorrow evening.


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Minh, I can do this on my new Geo 618. I bought another apex and have several lab grade probes that I keep calibrated. I Also have a new Milwaukee that's on my system as well. I can graph the pH inside the reactor and also the tank. Then I'll add this modification and we'll compare the graphs and numbers. I'll text you after I get it dialed in and have a week or two of data. Then I'll do the modification and we'll see the results. @PSXerholic might be interested in this as well.
Nah, not of interest for me
This method I used in planted tanks with different labyrinth type chambers or diffusing membranes to make indeed the calcium reactor more efficient.

I personally use 1 Main Carx, a second smaller Carx with recirculating pump running but no Co2 supply and last a classic media reactor and on top to be fancy a degassifier to get rid of almost all dissolved Co2 in the effluent prior it goes back to the tank.

So this modification will likely enhance the efficiency of the reactor, so you can run the same reactor even for more demand in Calcium.

My priority and most important factor is low maintenance, and use large reactor volume to avoid to refill the reactor system as less a possible. Then with my second reactor and media chamber the Co2 is efficiently uptaken likely to its most possible equilibrium possible since the media chamber I never had to refill in 2 years running this setup.



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I though of this years ago, and modified my reactor many years ago. I did this write because I see these huge Ca reactors with huge pumps for a huge sum of money. I did not think about proving my points, only that it works very well and wanted to help other reefers. To prove that it works well is really easy. All we need to do is to have a pH probe on the Ca reactor.

If I have a pH probe, I would just plot the pH of the Ca reactor chamber as the function of the amount of CO2 input with fix water flow rate through the reactor. One run with and one without the capillary tube.

In fact, if anybody use this modification and have pH probe on their Ca reactor, please do these reading and post it here. It would be great.

I mention how much media my Ca reactor dissolved just to show how effective it is in dissolving the media. I do think how fast the media dissolve have a direct correlation to how much Ca Carbonate and trace element added into the system.

Hi there I definitely apologize for any hostility or combativeness in my tone man. Not my intention at all. Just more intrigued really as a long time calcium reactor user myself, trying to understand what you have done with yours.

Do I read you right then, that you are not monitoring/controling PH in your reactor? I ran my first reactor for many years without a ph controller or monitor and it can be tough, but once dialed works the same. But having said that. it is worlds easier to make fine adjustments to keep up with demand, with one on there.


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Jul 28, 2013
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Nah, not of interest for me
This method I used in planted tanks with different labyrinth type chambers or diffusing membranes to make indeed the calcium reactor more efficient.

I personally use 1 Main Carx, a second smaller Carx with recirculating pump running but no Co2 supply and last a classic media reactor and on top to be fancy a degassifier to get rid of almost all dissolved Co2 in the effluent prior it goes back to the tank.

So this modification will likely enhance the efficiency of the reactor, so you can run the same reactor even for more demand in Calcium.

My priority and most important factor is low maintenance, and use large reactor volume to avoid to refill the reactor system as less a possible. Then with my second reactor and media chamber the Co2 is efficiently uptaken likely to its most possible equilibrium possible since the media chamber I never had to refill in 2 years running this setup.

Very nice. Nice tank. As long as it work for you. I think your set up put out enough Ca your tank need then no need to do anything different.I have huge clams in my and they take up Ca like there is no tomorrow. I have to buy 35 lbs CaCl and NaCO3. Buckets at a time to supplement. I used loops to re-uptake excess CO2, but this was not enough. Then I did this modification and never have to look back.

By chance I saw advertisement for a huge Ca reactor, I decided to write this up to. Maybe it help somebody, especially those who do not have the space or money for a large Ca reactor.

Hopefully, Reefahholic anc help do some pH measurement. I think this will really give objective evidence of how well this modification work or not work


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Hi there I definitely apologize for any hostility or combativeness in my tone man. Not my intention at all. Just more intrigued really as a long time calcium reactor user myself, trying to understand what you have done with yours.

Do I read you right then, that you are not monitoring/controling PH in your reactor? I ran my first reactor for many years without a ph controller or monitor and it can be tough, but once dialed works the same. But having said that. it is worlds easier to make fine adjustments to keep up with demand, with one on there.
When I was new, I check everything. Now I don't. Only test salinity, Ca, Alkalinity weekly. I don't do pH measurement anymore because it is difficult to have accurate pH reading. I kinda find it useless.
Right now I have a fairly high output through my Ca reactor. When testing indicate a little more Alkalinity or Ca need I just dose it with two part and increase the CO2 rate. I have not have to do this for months.
I use my skimmer for water change (high output skimmate when water level reach certain level, that drain directly to the sink) and add RO water to the system at a constant rate. I just add 3 gal of salt water in AM and 3 gal in PM to change 6 gal per day. That is why I have to keep a tight eye on the salinity. Rarely I have to increase or decrease the amount of RO water input through a Kalk reactor.

Anyway, that is why I really don't have any number or pH to report. I don't have a pH probe any more.

Adam, I am not offended at you or your posts. I am sorry but I don't have any objective number to report, because I don't check them any more. Only the Ca Alkalinity and salinity of my tank, which are fine.

If this write up help somebody, it is great. However, don't try to fix things that sre not broken on your tanks.


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Very nice. Nice tank. As long as it work for you. I think your set up put out enough Ca your tank need then no need to do anything different.I have huge clams in my and they take up Ca like there is no tomorrow. I have to buy 35 lbs CaCl and NaCO3. Buckets at a time to supplement. I used loops to re-uptake excess CO2, but this was not enough. Then I did this modification and never have to look back.

By chance I saw advertisement for a huge Ca reactor, I decided to write this up to. Maybe it help somebody, especially those who do not have the space or money for a large Ca reactor.

Hopefully, Reefahholic anc help do some pH measurement. I think this will really give objective evidence of how well this modification work or not work
Yes, like I meant to say, the improved efficiency is for sure given with this method and MOD. I basically stick to extra large volume to be the default for maintenance reason.
However, not everyone has the option to run 2 Calcium reactors with some downstream reactors.

Keep up the good work guys.


Acropora Farmer
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Yes, like I meant to say, the improved efficiency is for sure given with this method and MOD. I basically stick to extra large volume to be the default for maintenance reason.
However, not everyone has the option to run 2 Calcium reactors with some downstream reactors.

Keep up the good work guys.

I’m trying to get Minh on that Geo CR1218. He won’t take the bait! It’s a good investment IMO and would last forever!


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I’m trying to get Minh on that Geo CR1218. He won’t take the bait! It’s a good investment IMO and would last forever!
I use the 818 as main, the 612 as second.
Was thinking to buy another 818 instead switching to a 1218 which has only a slightly higher volume than 2x818.......

1218 is a big dude, and the 818 is already heavy.


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I use the 818 as main, the 612 as second.
Was thinking to buy another 818 instead switching to a 1218 which has only a slightly higher volume than 2x818.......

1218 is a big dude, and the 818 is already heavy.
If you pushing max capacity for your reactor you should really try to do this simple mod. It really will multiply the ability of you Ca reactor by a lot. I would send 10.00 to try this before spend 1000.00 for another large Ca reactor. You really got nothing to loose except a few dollars and 15 mins of your time.


Acropora Farmer
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I use the 818 as main, the 612 as second.
Was thinking to buy another 818 instead switching to a 1218 which has only a slightly higher volume than 2x818.......

1218 is a big dude, and the 818 is already heavy.

I bought a 618 with extra chamber. Carbon Doser and Kamoer Peristaltic pump. I’ll mostly likely switch to the Echotech Versa since it has the higher flow rate I’m looking for. Gotta test it first though. I’ll just max the Kamoer at 120 mL/min in the mean time.
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The Geo 1218 could make a sweet nano reef :O

I'm running to the LFS today. Maybe I'll see if they have a capillary restrictor around, though I'm just starting up my Geo 618 CARX this week and my tank is only a 150 that's essentially empty other than a little gigas.


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The Geo 1218 could make a sweet nano reef :O

I'm running to the LFS today. Maybe I'll see if they have a capillary restrictor around, though I'm just starting up my Geo 618 CARX this week and my tank is only a 150 that's essentially empty other than a little gigas.
You got to bypass that self filling bubble counter, and add a bubble counter at the regulator. That was what I have to do with the old style GEO Ca reactor. Mine is a CR618.

Looking at the newer version of the GEO Calcium reactors, I immagin you can flib the water and CO2 input line. You can use the water input as CO2 input and add a flow restrictor there, and use the CO2 input as the water input. If you do this, then the bubble counter just not function. You just need the bubble counter at the regulator.


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Oh.....Another thing I do is to have the Needle valve downstream the reactors and the Reactor system is pressurized by the Return pump beast.
As you may know already, the solubility of Co2 in liquid goes up with pressure ;-)
Means higher Co2 concentration in the system while under pressure.


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Oh.....Another thing I do is to have the Needle valve downstream the reactors and the Reactor system is pressurized by the Return pump beast.
As you may know already, the solubility of Co2 in liquid goes up with pressure ;-)
Means higher Co2 concentration in the system while under pressure.
That is a good idea. I have a lab grade pump that won’t have any problem generated a little increase pressure. I may put a ball valve at the end of the output to increase pressure to the whole contraption. As you point out this will increase the solubility of CO2. We have to balance this to the wear and tear of the pump. I replaced the plastic thump screws with stainless screws and wing nut so the whole chamber is much better sealed


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Just as co2 concentration goes up under pressure, smaller bubbles with more surface area dissolve faster. We know both of those are facts. I'd think most reactors could get the pH low enough to turn the media to mush. So there is a limit to how low you can go. This could help with those that have constant issues with bubbles in the top of the chamber, thus using the co2 more efficiently and get the pH in your target range with less co2. But If yours is dialed in and no bubbles at the top I'm not sure this will have much benefit. (All of this is assuming those bubbles aren't from an air leak)
I don't think in the long run this will help lower the pH in the chamber as a measurable number because once you hit the high 5's to low 6's the media will turn to mud. But this mod will speed up the absorption in the water which will keep the pH steady and allow for a tighter pH range. When under 6.5 it would mean there are less drops into the lower 6's right after the co2 shuts off or a large amount of co2 from the top of the chamber hits the pump. Those I see as good things.


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My pump is good enough such that the media does not "turn to mush" It just disolve. I use crush coral so the water just flow around and push the smaller media pieces to the top. Becasue the flow is upward, it does not compact the media like some of the down ward flow Ca reactors. No body produce down flow reactor anymore, not like in the early days.

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