Opinions on QT treatment and time?


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I had an outbreak of velvet and lost 13 fish in less than 48 hrs including 2 yellow tangs, sailfin, and yellow eyed kole, mated pair of tomato clowns along with some other small fish. I was ready to let the rest die and call it quits but my family members shamed me into attempting to save the remaining livestock since there is an emotional attachment to watching a 50 cent piece sized fish grow to over 6 inches. I set up a 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank with 80 gallons of water, 2 powerheads, aquaclear 110 hob filter, 2 heaters with controller and an ato that I had laying around and some pvc pipes. Live stock are a Naso about 7" or so, a purple tang about the same size, 5" emporer angel, 6-7" magnificent foxface and spotted rabbitfish about the same size, 4" hippo, Flame hawk, sixline, and 2 chromis. I did add some seasoned live rock for bio filter and it will now be dedicated to this QT / Hospital tank. I've just started ramping up copper treatment using copper power and have a hanna checker to monitor the levels. I know the rock will absorb some copper but I'm hoping once it has absorbed its max it will level off and I can maintain the levels at 2.5 ppm as needed?? If I get the copper level steady for 30 days I start reducing it using water changes and maybe removal media?? I realize some will remain in the live rock but hope the levels will be low enough that it wont matter since the rock will never be used in a DT. I'll do 2 treatments of prazi pro 7 days apart afterwards. I've gone this far why not do the whole regiment?? Live stock was in 2 tanks, a 180 gallon and a 150 gallon that share a 125 gallon sump in the basement. I have had ich in these tanks previously so am going to go fallow since I've gone this far already. I have the QT running at 78 degrees and am thinking of making the fallow period of the display tanks 90 days?? I am most likely going to move down to 1 tank (not counting my bedroom tank of course cuz we all need to wake up to some nice color in the morning right?) it will most likely be the 180 or I may move to single 7 or 8ft tank. Because I am undecided I do not mind having the fish in QT for 90 days while I figure out my plan. They have plenty of room and are all getting along. Does this sound feasible or is there something else I should or should not do? I'm at the better safe than sorry stage right now. Oh and yes I am to blame for the outbreak. I got lazy but never again will I introduce new fish without QTing them first.
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Top Shelf Aquatics


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There is a sticky at the top of the forum - that lists the current QT recommendations.

I think you may run into some problems - depending on the amount of live rock in the tub.

It would be my opinion if you are going to treat with copper - keep it simple - no live rock - copper may/will kill at least SOME things on the rock, etc etc. Additionally, you may need different medications in addition to copper to treat your fish.

At the top of the forum - there is also a stick about fallow periods. I would suggest 90 days may be a little long.

Glad you saved some fish (If I'm understanding correctly), sorry for your loss. FWIW - it might be nice for the rest of us - to read what you think led to the outbreak of velvet - did you add something, stress, etc?


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I'm just worried about bio filtration without the live rock. It's not a lot of rock but I didn't weigh it. 20220226_140026.jpgI have no seasoned sponges or anything else to use. I suppose I could pull the rock and add an amonia badge so I don't have to test daily for ammonia. I keep 70 gallons of salt water mixed on hand and everything is convient being in an unfinished basement so doing partial changes is no big deal. I read some of the stickies but wasn't 100 % sure on time as temps seem to make a difference.
I introduced 2 new fish the sailfin that didn't make it and the emporer angel at the same time bypassing QT. The emporer was the first to show signs. After the fact I found out they were being housed on 1.015 salinity which is why they probably didn't exhibit any signs at the store.
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I'm just worried about bio filtration without the live rock. I have no seasoned sponges or anything else to use. I suppose I could pull the rock and add an amonia badge so I don't have to test daily for ammonia. I keep 70 gallons of salt water mixed on hand and everything is convient being in an unfinished basement so doing partial changes is no big deal. I read some of the stickies but wasn't 100 % sure on time as temps seem to make a difference.
I introduced 2 new fish the sailfin that didn't make it and the emporer angel at the same time bypassing QT. The emporer was the first to show signs. After the fact I found out they were being housed on 1.015 salinity which is why they probably didn't exhibit any signs at the store.
This is the reason that most QT tanks use smaller volumes... so they can do multiple water changes.
The problem with adding stuff from another tank - is they can also harbor pathogens


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I'm afraid these fish are too large to be housed together in a small tank for an extended period. I supposed if it were just a new fish or 2 I could do that but since it's my entire stock that have survived it would be easier treating one large qt vs multiple smaller tanks of which I only have 2 on hand anyway and they are not large enough for all of these fish. I suppose I could pull some water to make it easier to treat but was thinking a larger volume would be better to keep stable with less water changes no? I don't have a problem spending a few more dollars meds.
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I'm afraid these fish are too large to be housed together in a small tank for an extended period. I supposed if it were just a new fish or 2 I could do that but since it's my entire stock that have survived it would be easier treating one large qt vs multiple smaller tanks of which I only have 2 on hand anyway and they are not large enough for all of these fish. I suppose I could pull some water to make it easier to treat but was thinking a larger volume would be better to keep stable with less water changes no? I don't have a problem spending a few more dollars meds.
it wasnt completely clear (to me) - what fish were being housed
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Thanks MnFish1. I just spent more time reading the stickie as you suggested. I'm raising the DT to 81 degrees and resetting the clock on the fallow period. Will also be removing the rock from the hospital tank. Still haven't reached therapeutic levels of copper there yet. Once I do I'll go 30 days and at least not worry about having calcareous material causing a failure in the copper treatment. Thanks again for your strait to the point no BS replies. ;)

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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