Office Tank, IM Nuvo Fusion 10g


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Current State of the Tank:
1. Bouncing back after loss of crocea clam and coming back from business trip to tank that hadn't been dosed with AFR--rainbow favia looks like it's on its way out and red monti digitata following close behind.
2. Palys are so overgrown that they are impeding flow, and I've begun to take action--will be removing the rock to take out as much as I can in a separate container.
3. RFAs have resettled so that they are no longer being stung by the octospawn and torch. Seem happier.
4. PO4 spiked to ~0.5ppm after clam died, but is now back to 0.1-0.25ppm range. NO3 about 1ppm and needs a boost to stay between 2-5ppm.
5. Got my first frag rack, a magnetic one and have 4 zoas/palys sitting in the rack waiting for space.




original post with updates:
I technically haven't started this tank yet, but I do have a large square box waiting to go under the Christmas tree (I know this because a large square box arrived, and my wife also agreed that we should inspect it for defects). I know. What am I doing? I still haven't placed my first coral in my Fluval Evo tank! Alas, I am turning 40 and not into cars, but this is looking like a hobby that could provide a lot of satisfaction and not-too-bad addiction.

So, here's my plan at least:

Display: IM Nuvo Fusion 10 gallon
Rock: Leftover CaribSea LifeRock from the first tank; Tampa Bay Saltwater premium nano rock
Sand: CaribSea Arag-Alive Fiji Pink (I was thinking Hawaiian black, but reading too many concerning comments about iron or other elements leaching); Tampa Bay Saltwater live sand
Lighting: provisionally, Fluval Sea Marine Nano Bluetooth, depending on how much I like the Fluval Marine 3.0 going on my Fluval Evo 13.5g--I may spring for a better light, though, including options like the Noopsyche or AI Prime to open up coral possibilities--I particularly want one that is programmable; AI Prime 16 HD
Heater: something economical that fits--any ideas? In SoCal, we don't have problems with it being too cold, so I don't expect it to be running full-stop. Will be connected to an Inkbird with a USB fan for the cooling; Aqueon 100w 78F preset
Return Pump: the Mightjet that comes with the tank is rated over 300 gph, so I think this will do unless it is horrible. Is it horrible? Stock MightyJet 326 gph DC AIO pump with 2x 1/4" VCA RFGs (set high and low in same direction with locline)
Powerhead: likely none to save space if the return is strong enough--will also get a VCA RFG for the return. Is more flow needed in a 10g for coral up to monti sticks?
Filter Media: ditching the sock and little media basket, going to buy an Intank Chamber 1 and Chamber 2--the fit is just too good. Will put floss on top of Ch1, Chemi-Blue/Purigen in middle, and some rubble on the bottom. I am testing a Ch2 refugium with Chaeto in my Fluval Evo 13.5g, so if that goes well will do the same for the middle chamber of this one. If not, then more rubble. Chamber 1: Intank Media Basket with floss on top and seeded Seachem Matrix + sack of BRS GAC and Purigen in the middle (middle rack removed)
Top-off: $15 bottle-on-top, can't beat that, especially for an office desktop. Pending, I have to see how this tank does with the water line, because my Fluval EVO 13.5g chamber water lines are not stable. The bottle ATO is working JUST fine. Will easily keep the waterline over the weekend.
Dosing: Oh boy, this is next on my learning curve, along with what additional parameters need testing for LPS and easy SPS. Water changes and possibly NeoNitrate/NeoPhos if levels need to be brought up.Turns out water changes are not enough to keep up the ALK, so I'm now dosing 2-3mL of All-4-Reef Mon through Fri and adding 6mL to the top-off water bottle for the weekend. Water changes on hold until I stabilize NO3 and PO4.
Water: LFS has a good deal per gallon at 1.026 (it is Red Sea Coral Pro: ~10.9 ALK, ~430 Ca, ~1290 Mg, pH 7.8). Purchased RODI buddy and will start making my own water. Can't tolerate inconsistencies in LFS water.
Skimmer: None--will do at least weekly water changes; In fact, the way I have it currently set up, I will just change a couple of quarts every weekday and do a 10% on Friday and Monday. 5 minutes, max.
Livestock: Invert-themed + a bright tailspot blenny: 1 colorful rock flower anemone, several sexy shrimp, 1 pom-pom crab, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 nassarius, 2 dwarf trochus, multiple varied ceriths, 1-2 blue leg hermits, and a money cowrie if I can get one. Or perhaps wow the office with a blue mandarin?? Two fish + shimp + crab + CUC seems like a lot for a 10g tank. What do you think?
Coral: Still learning, but hoping to break into LPS in a big way with this tank with Euphylia, Duncan, blasto and micromussas, candy-canes, maybe elegance, flowerpot or alveopora, birdsnest and monti sticks (I like caps, but worried about shadowing in small tank). Knowing and keeping track of parameters beyond ammonium, nitrite and nitrate worries me, but still plenty of time to learn.

Stocking plan (as of 1/10/2022; 1/15/2022--realizing the space limitations now):

- See what hitchhikers arrive with the TBS rock; Got a bunch of hitchhikers and 3 corals!
- 1x 2x Peppermint shrimp (with TBS package, sent an extra one too!) (given away to local reefer)
- 5x astrea snails (with TBS package)
- 1x tailspot blenny
- 1x exquisite firefish
- 3+ 1x sexy shrimp (2x removed due to coral-eating behavior)
- 1x spotted Porcelain anemone crab
- 1x green Porcelain crab
- 1x red procelain crab (RIP)
- 1x Pompom crab (no pompoms :()
- 2x Emerald crabs (to combat bubble algae, added May 2022)
- 1x Skunk or fire cleaner shrimp*; Now aiming for a Pederson
- 10x dwarf cerith snails
- 5x trochus snails; plenty with the Astreas
- 1x Nassarius vibex
- 1x strawberry conch; sadly, not enough space for the conch
- Assorted snails (e.g. bumble bee RIP, money cowrie RIP, periwinkles 10x, 2x African ceriths, 2x cortez ceriths, 4x FL ceriths, 4x nerites, 1-2x ox tongue nerites, 2x marginellas, 2x virgin nerites, 2x limpets RIP)
- Red display macroalgae (e.g. dragon's breath, flat branch gracilaria, etc); likely only one piece (Pom pom gracilaria, Galaxaura, Brotycladia)
- Blue hypnea (RIP)
- Green display macroalgae (mermaid's fan (RIP), shaving brush, Pencil cap (RIP), codium)
- 3+ rock flower anemones
- 1x trachy (RIP)
- 1x golden octospawn
- 1x Pink purple/green hammer
- 1x crocea clam
- 1x Duncan; not enough space
- 1x branching gsp (not enough space)
- Monti cap
- Birdsnest (stylo, RIP)
- Zoas
- Potato chip coral
- Rainbow favia
- Golden plume gorgonian
Last edited:


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If you keep up with water changes you probably won't need to get into dosing. The stock MightyJet pump will serve you well, but you can upgrade it if you like. If you opt for a refugium you'll have to place your heater in the tank - and I've had good success with the Fluval M-series (aluminum coated one with the blue light). You might be ok with a RFG on the return outlet - especially if you run the pump @100% or end up upgrading it. Unless you can get the mandarin onto frozen food it's going to starve, so you might want to choose an easier fish to maintain.


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If you keep up with water changes you probably won't need to get into dosing. The stock MightyJet pump will serve you well, but you can upgrade it if you like. If you opt for a refugium you'll have to place your heater in the tank - and I've had good success with the Fluval M-series (aluminum coated one with the blue light). You might be ok with a RFG on the return outlet - especially if you run the pump @100% or end up upgrading it. Unless you can get the mandarin onto frozen food it's going to starve, so you might want to choose an easier fish to maintain.
Thanks! I'm happy to keep up with water changes. They're easy. Should I be worried about what brand of salt the LFS uses of I go no dosing?

Tailspot blenny was always the plan with this tank, so no tears about no mandarin. I understand they have really quirky personalities. Hopefully no incompatibility with all the shrimp!
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Small update on the plan. I really can't wait to get this one started since I just got a rainbow BTA for the Fluval Evo tank and love it.

Sand: CaribSea Arag-Alive special grade--I'm not in love with the Fiji Pink being so fine.
Lighting: Putting AI Prime on the wish list, now.
Filter Media: Chaeto was a failure in my Fluval Evo. Sticking with bio media and water changes.
Testing: I have been reading so much about this and still unsure about my strategy. I provisionally have a full suite of Red Sea tests on the wish list, but I'm thinking of a Hanna for ALK and keeping focus on ALK. That said, the water from my LFS turns out to be a pretty decent Red Sea mix, but it isn't giving me pH above 8.0 (usually between 7.8 and 8.0), and I don't know the other parameters yet because the strip tests and the API master reef kit isn't very informative--ALK looks between 8.0 and 8.4, but who really knows. In any case, I plan to start out getting to know my tank, and then scaling back on the testing with focus on replenishment with frequent water changes. From my reading, chasing numbers is less important than stability. Dinos are my main worry...


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Update on the office tank: nearly ready to get wet.

Tank: IM Nuvo Fusion 10g (gen 1)
Sand: Tampa Bay Saltwater live sand (arriving 13th Jan!)
Rock: Tampa Bay Saltwater premium nano live rock (arriving 13th Jan!)
Water: LFS-bought Red Sea Coral Pro, SG 1.025-1.026
Light: AI Prime 16HD w/gooseneck mount
Chamber 1: Intank Media Basket (top: floss; middle/bottom: BRS carbon, Purigen, Phosguard as needed)
Chamber 2: Seachem Matrix seeded in Evo with Microbacter7, AuqaShield 10W UV
Chamber 3: stock Mighty Jet 326gph DC pump, Aqueon 100W 78F preset heater
Additional mods: VCA adapter for 1/4" Y-splitter, locline and 2x 1/4" RFGs, pointed straightforward at top and bottom; stock mesh lid; USB fan attached to AI Prime mount; Inkbird set to 77F; cable control basket; smart wifi power strip

Pending: ATO system. Likely bottle top-up, because it works the same, has no pumps/cords and no risk of overflowing the tank.

Stocking plan still in the works, but most likely: 5 astrea snails (ordered), 5 FL ceriths (ordered), 1 strawberry conch, 1-2 Nasserius vibex, 5 trochus, 2 bumblebees, 10 dwarf ceriths, other CUC from ReefCleaners, 1x trachy (ordered), 1x octospawn (ordered), 3+ RFAs (1 ordered so far), 1 tailspot blenny, 1 mocha clownfish (optional), 1 BTA (optional), some macroalgae from ReefCleaners, Pompom crab, anemone crab, peppermint shrimp (ordered), 3+ sexy shrimp...





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Get that Win-Dex out of the room. No good for tanks. Did you clean the tank with it?
Haha, no, I don't think anyone uses that. That's the bookshelf of long forgotten things: staplers from who knows who's desk, pack of golf balls with company logo, mood calendar, case of poker chips...

Maybe the tank will bring in more visitors that find their stuff and take it back!
Top Shelf Aquatics

KK's Reef

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If you keep up with water changes you probably won't need to get into dosing. The stock MightyJet pump will serve you well, but you can upgrade it if you like. If you opt for a refugium you'll have to place your heater in the tank - and I've had good success with the Fluval M-series (aluminum coated one with the blue light). You might be ok with a RFG on the return outlet - especially if you run the pump @100% or end up upgrading it. Unless you can get the mandarin onto frozen food it's going to starve, so you might want to choose an easier fish to maintain.

You'd be surprised. Even a dozen frags can consume a significant amount of alk. I agree though - water changes should replenish that. Unless you're keeping acros, the alk swing should be tolerable by softies and LPS (and even some SPS like montis).


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You'd be surprised. Even a dozen frags can consume a significant amount of alk. I agree though - water changes should replenish that. Unless you're keeping acros, the alk swing should be tolerable by softies and LPS (and even some SPS like montis).
I've noticed that on my Evo, too. So now I'm doing frequent small water changes to hopefully stabilize the Alk. Ca doesn't seem to change as fast. But, I have it set up now to quickly siphon out a quart or two and put a quart or two back in, then the bigger mid-week water change and end-of-week water changes. Basically dosing but easy mode.


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Oh where to begin? This will have to be a multi-part update. For starters, I received my Tampa Bay Saltwater live rock and sand on Thursday the 13th. Let me tell you, it was a journey up to LAX and a painful $98 cargo bill from Delta, but I have absolutely zero regrets. @LiverockRocks provided the most amazing nano rocks and sand. Some pics below. These rocks are ALIVE! The sand is writhing with life (note: if a few worms will keep you up at night, perhaps try something else or comb through the sand picking out your keepers and non-keeper critters like I did). I am so happy with this and will absolutely go back to TBS for my next tank whenever that is. Had some extra rocks that I gave out to some local reefers too--they were super excited to seed their tanks.

Now how about some pictures? First the tank and raw mats to come.




More later when I have time!

Oh, just a bit more. I found 4 small brittle stars (added), a couple of tiny shrimp one of which I think was a pistol (added, inadvertently on one occasion), one hermit that hitched in on a rock (grrr, was good ng hermitless on this tank--oh well), three interesting corals attached to the rocks--no idea what they are but will ID later, lots of fans and sponges, multi-color coraline, two small crabs that I didn't want in, but one that managed to sneak in the DT in any case, lots of worms that I sifted out, but a few that managed to get into the tank, and some other interesting tiny things that I haven't IDed yet. So much fun!

Sean Clark

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Oh where to begin? This will have to be a multi-part update. For starters, I received my Tampa Bay Saltwater live rock and sand on Thursday the 13th. Let me tell you, it was a journey up to LAX and a painful $98 cargo bill from Delta, but I have absolutely zero regrets. @LiverockRocks provided the most amazing nano rocks and sand. Some pics below. These rocks are ALIVE! The sand is writhing with life (note: if a few worms will keep you up at night, perhaps try something else or comb through the sand picking out your keepers and non-keeper critters like I did). I am so happy with this and will absolutely go back to TBS for my next tank whenever that is. Had some extra rocks that I gave out to some local reefers too--they were super excited to seed their tanks.

Now how about some pictures? First the tank and raw mats to come.

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More later when I have time!

Oh, just a bit more. I found 4 small brittle stars (added), a couple of tiny shrimp one of which I think was a pistol (added, inadvertently on one occasion), one hermit that hitched in on a rock (grrr, was good ng hermitless on this tank--oh well), three interesting corals attached to the rocks--no idea what they are but will ID later, lots of fans and sponges, multi-color coraline, two small crabs that I didn't want in, but one that managed to sneak in the DT in any case, lots of worms that I sifted out, but a few that managed to get into the tank, and some other interesting tiny things that I haven't IDed yet. So much fun!
Wait, what? You can actually but Tampa Bay Saltwater live rock... I have never seen it in stock on their website. Sorry I am so stunned bu this that I honestly did not read the rest of the post. I really have not been this shocked/excited in a really long time. Please do not pinch me.


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Wait, what? You can actually but Tampa Bay Saltwater live rock... I have never seen it in stock on their website. Sorry I am so stunned bu this that I honestly did not read the rest of the post. I really have not been this shocked/excited in a really long time. Please do not pinch me.
Their site is under construction. You ahve to email them.

Sean Clark

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Their site is under construction. You ahve to email them.
I have emailed them in the past and had no response. I assumed they were shut down.

I don't think that I have ever thanked someone for costing me so much money before. Thank you.
Nutramar Foods


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And now for the hitchhiker collection:

Gorilla crab? Not a keeper.


Creoland isopod? I think this one's a bad guy.

Some sort of snail?


This crab somehow got into the DT of my home Evo when moving a different rock... sneaky.

Found 4 of these guys:

And of course, the worms. Couple passed through the filter and got into the DT...

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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