New to R2R and the hobby


The Dude Abides
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Damsels are great. Yes, they have attitude, but I prefer to use the word Personality. At least, using that word will avoid a trip to HR! Glad you're here. Welcome!


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Welcome to r2r! The only thing only your list of advise against is Kenya tree. It will deposit babies all over your tank. As said, Xenia and gsp with caution but I think it looks amazing on the back of a tank or large island.
I too am a shroom head. I have shroom only islands and discomas that roam my tank like anemones. Zoas are a great choice and come so many beautiful color combinations. You’ll enjoy collecting those.
Love all the fish on your list. If I may, I would recommend including some utility fish because it really does add something to the experience watching your pets clean your rocks or their tank mates or your sand and don’t underestimate the entertainment value of of inverts!


Where's my anemone?
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Feb 12, 2024
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Hello everyone!

My name is Chris, and I'm 38 years old from the Chicagoland area. I'm new to the saltwater reef/coral tank hobby and decided to join this forum to learn and research before diving in blindly and making countless mistakes.

As a complete beginner, I have very little knowledge about this hobby. I'm considering starting with a tank around 30-50 gallons, as I've read that smaller tanks can be more challenging to maintain and keep stable.

I plan to include some corals and a few fish in my setup. Based on my limited research, some beginner-friendly fish I'm considering are clownfish, damselfish (although I've read they can be territorial), firefish (which need plenty of hiding spots), Royal Gramma, and Cardinalfish (which prefer to be kept in groups).

For corals, I'm looking at Zoanthids, Mushroom Corals, Green Star Polyps, Kenya Tree Coral, and Xenia Coral (though I'm concerned because I've read they can spread quickly).

I aim to start with easy species and gradually learn how to care for them and manage the intricacies of maintaining a saltwater reef/coral tank.

Thank you for any advice or recommendations you can provide! I am almost done putting a build list together and will be posting that in the appropriate area of the forums.
Welcome, Chris! I'm glad you've decided to join us here on R2R and in our salty world!

Looks like your stocking list is really coming together! You're spot on with all of it! Xenia and GSP can spread quickly, but they are some pretty cool corals. I'm about to go on my first adventure with GSP myself. If you don't want to deal with the potential battle of the territorial fish (clowns plus Damsel), you could swap the damsel for a watchman goby or midas blenny! Both are generally peaceful and super fun personalities in the tank.

Also, don't forget to start your tank thread so we can follow along with the progress! Link in my signature on how to do that. :) Good luck!


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Welcome to R2R! It looks like you have already done a good bit of research as your plan looks pretty solid. For tank size I used to recommend a 40 Breeder as an economical first tank but today I'd recommend the 60 Breeder as four foot gives a little more swim room for energetic fish. Yes bigger is easier, as long as you stay on top of things. A larger volume gives you more room for error before a problem becomes critical, however the flip side of that is that the same issue in 60 gallons takes more resources and energy to correct that it does in a 20 gallon. You are right about the Xenia and GRP spreading quickly but that is true of most beginner-friendly corals. Also I have seen stunning aquariums with just GSP or Xenia in them.



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Hey Chris, its Chris. Welcome!

I'm impressed that you're researching fish and doing your thorough homework before starting a tank. I have a royal and they are great fish once they get comfy. Clowns are great as well for the size range as well. First and foremost, get as much tank volume as you can afford. If you are thinking 30-50, I would say go as high as 75 if you can make it work. But 50 is a great tank. I would shoot for more length than width to give potential fish that like to swim some room. I would go 3-4 feet in length but that's just me. If you are already thinking 50, 75 wont be much more upfront cost.

Corals, be careful with Xenia and GSP unless its on an island and/or surrounded by coral that will sting it back if it tries to spread. I have GSP and do just that. Zoas are awesome and beautiful, and prob my fav coral. Mushrooms- look into Ricordea Yuma mushrooms or Rodactis. Other mushrooms can be very invasive.
Nothing wrong with getting some LPS too like Euphyllia (frogspawn, hammer). Chalices are also great but grow slowly.
Welcome to R2R!

Well said, Chris!

Happy Reefing!
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