New tank advice algea...


Simple...Salt, Water, LR, Lighting and Flow.
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Nov 18, 2020
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Port Perry Ontario
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well its ur tank.
but thats like saying tap water will work to...
not being rude just honest. I've seen resin dissolve in salt tanks. Its a cheepy china decoration for a kids fresh water tank.
but be my guest. We have spent a lot of money to keep this hobie going as you stated your new to this.
We don't know anything about the water used how it was cycled, light timings, feeding, filtering, to many verritbiles better to start with the basics, Then have you add to the bioload and poof it's all up in green smoke.
So Cclranger Tell us about the tank size, equip. being used. the water you used you cycled the tank...lights cycle
you know the boring stuff.
Nah member, the guy wants to learn and you are brow beating him about 'we spent a lot of money, and you are new to this' give it a rest. I don't recall him being near as confrontational as you....may as well scare people away I guess...not only that, but you are asking for all these various parameters yet explicitly told him to do two 75% water changes over 2 days???? For why? You don't know any of the parameters you listed?!?
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Top Shelf Aquatics

Poof No Eyebrows

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well its ur tank.
but thats like saying tap water will work to...
not being rude just honest. I've seen resin dissolve in salt tanks. Its a cheepy china decoration for a kids fresh water tank.
but be my guest. We have spent a lot of money to keep this hobie going as you stated your new to this.
We don't know anything about the water used how it was cycled, light timings, feeding, filtering, to many verritbiles better to start with the basics, Then have you add to the bioload and poof it's all up in green smoke.
So Cclranger Tell us about the tank size, equip. being used. the water you used you cycled the tank...lights cycle
you know the boring stuff.
Agree with above response. He eay is wanting to look after his tank. We have no bearing or right to decide what he should or shouldn't place in it within standard norms. Also I see no need to bash fresh water tanks. Plenty of fresh water peeps in this community. Salt is not superior.


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Feb 9, 2020
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Agree with above response. He eay is wanting to look after his tank. We have no bearing or right to decide what he should or shouldn't place in it within standard norms. Also I see no need to bash fresh water tanks. Plenty of fresh water peeps in this community. Salt is not superior.
not bashing of fresh water tanks. just trying to help out a newbie, as we all were once upon a time. I've seen plenty of those decorations giving off some NASTYS!! Destroying the water chemistry. It Is His tank. He may do with it as he wishes. IT's also his money which I think he wants the best bang to buck he can get that why he's here.
Srry if I offended someone feelings.... but better feelings than wasting the money truth be said IMHO!
I'm just blunt that way..
Nutramar Foods


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Feb 9, 2020
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%75 both days? That seems like a lot would that shock my livestock? I have an rodi unit just worried about throwing it out of whack. I have the micron polishing filters should I run one of those for a few days?
well first let me start by saying some people have misread my intentions as to you. as to what I was saying to you If I seem a little gruff its just me srry
*(Do you mean socks?)**micron polishing filters should I run one of those for a few days? could not heart. may be a few months lol, but change out every other day with a fresh sock.
The 75% water changes x2 It won't affect the bioload of the bacteria. in the tank. the bioload is in what you have in the tank, it's in the rocks and the sand that hold this good bacteria. it's the water thats your main concern here.
if you get your water parameters under control.. thats a big part to controlling the algae blooms. Your water is loaded with nutrients (fish waste....) Due to no way of exporting the waste out . Think of it this way,
I put you in a small room, give you all the food you can eat, but I don't provide a way for you to get rid of the waste you produce.
soon it builds up, and fouls the room polluting the air and room and causing bad things to happen.
ok I give you a bathroom to clean yourself and dispose of the waste you live better.
My point is, what goes in needs to come out, you fouled the room (due to not understand this simple point as we all have,) now it time to clean it. thus water changes. this will get the water chemistry back to normal with a lot less (lower) nutrients.
A good protein skimmer is the bathroom for your fish tank. The chemipure pads will also help keep it clean. kinda like TP.
As I was trying to say about the costs of this hobie. it can be a really expensive hobie. As sure as you have seen by now,
but it can be a very affordable one as well. as you have done so...
I Run 2 Current USA IC pros 48 inchers on my 75 gal with a few 48 inch ATI T5s mixed in for added Par values. I get a lot of sideways looks about my current USA but they have performed well for me. as for the alage it took time for ot to get a base, it will take time to remove it as well.
Don't rush this. it will take time but you can beat it. don't start throwing chems at it. looking for that magic bullet. there is not one out there. Time and management will beat it.
CK out BSR (BULK REEF SUPPLY) lot of good info, but remember they're there to sell you stuff..
Mr saltwater has a good series as well as mad get the water under control, lights under control timewise. I run 1/2 hr sunrise and sunset about 30% bule with a 5% red and 10 % white. Day I run All blue 6 hrs but I have started a new tank with no corals in it as of yet. but the tank is about 4 months old.
The last 10 days 20% white then bump it up to 80% the last 4 day.
O ya when you do due the water change add something like turbostart 900 bacteria I use this and not 1 fish lost in my tanks, FRESH AND Saltwater!


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Nov 24, 2020
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Peace River, Alberta
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You feel free to put whatever you want in your tank. I'm still not entirely sure why winking mermaids and tiki heads are kitschy fun in freshwater builds, but cause moments of pearl-clutching horror when they get anywhere near salt water. Personally, I find skulls covered with encrusting corals to be really tacky, but lots of people love them, and who am I to judge? Okay, I just judged. In any case, I think an encrusted (coral or algae; something's going on it) Sponge Bob house would be an interesting idea.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
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