Neptune Systems Trident: Going, Going, GONE!

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Jul 7, 2011
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Garden Grove, CA
Can haz trident pleeze?



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Few places I tried this morning same thing. This image made me giggle because on one of the sites a chat window pop'd up. You know, those things if you want help, etc, just click bla bla bla. So I said to myself, sure - why not.

Rep: Hi, how can I help you today...
Scotty: Hi, good morning. Just wondering if you can let me know if any Tridents are expected today, tomorrow, or
Rep: (lots of typing dots...) Well, we received our shipment yesterday, made them available, and they sold out in a couple minutes. We do not expect any more for at least two weeks but please do not hold me to that.
Scotty: All good, and I won't. Was more curious since I was sitting on the page hitting refresh every couple minutes while on a conference call. Appreciate the information and have a great day. I'm sure you get asked a lot
Rep: (more typing dots...) If you only knew :) I'll just leave it at that. Anything else I can help you with today?
Scotty: No - thank you. I wish you and your business a great day

I'm thinking phone support and internet chat are getting hit up non stop with questions, bribes, marriage proposals, and Lord only knows what else to get a head start. The image if impatient bear above is what I'm thinking they are. Probably all impatient at this point.


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That is some honest to goodness honesty in the post. Much respect to you.

Just wanted to Necro this older thread and say how interesting life is. In the grand scheme of things it may not be a big deal but to me I thought I should come back and tell.

I've been waiting for a Trident for a while. Not a lot of luck with some bad luck mixed in with other resellers due to their wonky inventory and check out process. To be fair I'll leave it there. I signed up for MD's email alerts and got a few but also missed them. That is my fault - not theirs.

Happens I also know someone who works there and always joked that hey - can you alert me before they post for which he would chuckle and say no, not going to happen :) True story. However, he would then text me to say there was this new sale! :)

Anyway long story short signed up on another waiting list 10 minutes after it went live or was at least posted here. So one would thing a few of us are on the same day signup number range but all are still waiting for our calls. Few people on this forum know who is looking and when they see stuff in stock post or directly IM.

Great community. To my point and the TL;DR part. I think full circle I caught one of those alerts and made my purchase from no other than Marine Depot. Not only did I get the last one that day, which I believe may have been on a Thurs or Friday. But paid, then email notification of it, then next notification that it shipped the same day. Said 1 to 5 days or so - so gave a window.

I received it on Tuesday. It is running now. Thank you Marine Depot. I just wanted to say that it was interesting how it came about and as we exchanged posts in this thread you ended up getting the business. While not a lot granted it was a positive experience that I will come back.


Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8% - All-In-One Aquarium Filtration