Need help with an aquarium (semi) Emergency! Fumigation & Tenting


Al Shellpone

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Hi everyone. I have got terrible news that my house needs to be tented and fumigated. There is no other way around it. I asked if it can be sprayed but the infestation is so bad they need to tent. I have a 32 g tank right now and decided to buy a 15 g tank to house my livestock while the fumigation is happening. The question is since I only have 30 days till the tenting, can I just do a water change from my 32 g and use the old water in my new tank to get it going? Or should I just start brand new and hope the tank will cycle in 30 days? Also if anyone has gone through tenting PLEASE give me some tips on what you did during and after fumigation. My stress levels are at an all time high right now. There isnt alot of clear information on the internet about what is the correct way to go about this. Thank you for any tips, recommendations and ideas
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The rocks hold all the bacteria for filtration in salt water , you can use the same water but just keep in mind the rocks do the filtration. In regards to holding the tank why not go to Home Depot or Lowe’s and buy a big storage bin to temporally house your rocks/fish/coral? It’s cheaper and works just as well. I would remove yr 32 gallon during the tenting if possible if not atleast wrap in trash bags

Al Shellpone

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The rocks hold all the bacteria for filtration in salt water , you can use the same water but just keep in mind the rocks do the filtration. In regards to holding the tank why not go to Home Depot or Lowe’s and buy a big storage bin to temporally house your rocks/fish/coral? It’s cheaper and works just as well. I would remove yr 32 gallon during the tenting if possible if not atleast wrap in trash bags
I actually never thought of that. The storage bin would be perfect. I thought about moving the tank but its extremely heavy and didnt want to mess with my aquascape for only a 2 day period. But to be fair I did just spend close to 200 dollars on a tank and some rocks for a 2 day period. I also did buy the new tank as an emergency/holding tank(which I needed). I actually still might use a storage bin like you said. Seems easy to move and a large area for the fish. Thank you for the advice!!


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I’m about to have the new place tented tomorrow, and will be sealing the top of my 40 cube with the bags they provided, and running a 1/4” airline outside to an air pump.
I hope this info helps you out.
I’ll let you know how it goes.


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I’m about to have the new place tented tomorrow, and will be sealing the top of my 40 cube with the bags they provided, and running a 1/4” airline outside to an air pump.
I hope this info helps you out.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
Whole home fumigation (tenting) is a much different thing than bug bombs. For a simple bug bomb a blanket over the tank is fine (done this many time in the past). The chemicals used in whole home fumigation are far more toxic and I would worry that ANY living organism left inside would suffer greatly. I read an article once about a couple criminals found dead in a home they attempted to rob while it was tented.

My best advice: "When in doubt, take it out!" as suggested, a couple storage bins would be fine... make sure to add your heater, and at the very least a powerhead to break surface tension for O2 exchange or an airstone if you prefer.

Your tank is small (relatively) so what would be fine for say a 200G tank, may be disaster for you. We all worry about PPM of things that help our tanks thrive.. What about PPM of something that is designed to be LETHAL to anything it comes in contact with?

Tom Tom Law

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I’m about to have the new place tented tomorrow, and will be sealing the top of my 40 cube with the bags they provided, and running a 1/4” airline outside to an air pump.
I hope this info helps you out.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
How did this work out for you.. we are having our house tented In November and I am quite worried

Al Shellpone

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So i took my fish and crabs out and left my snails in. I ran a line outside yo pump oxygen in the tank and covered my tank with trashbags and plastic. I also laid a planket on top. My tank ended up being fine by half my snails died. My water pump melted meaning it got extremely hot in the tank but it was also summer 95 degrees and up. I believe that would be your only concern would be heat. I had a diatom bloom before and it was all gone. My tank seemed healthy after but like i said it was so hot my water pump magnet melted. So be aware

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