nano tank - soft coral and macro algae advice


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Oct 23, 2024
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Hello there...

Few questions I'd love answering as Im hearing mix reports across the internet.

Getting back into the hobby after an emotional break up from the hobby at aged 14, now 10 years on Im a bit more switched on and have more money to throw at it. Starting a Fluval Evo 13.5, only going for soft corals and display macro alage, 2 clown fish and a third fish if i can?

After it is established, I barely want to do water changes, only really want to be topping off and feeding as the main maintenance. I've heard no water changes/very few tanks are possible, I would like some advice on best way around it, in terms of media, corals that wont die with lack of water changes and macro algae choices

1. Main parameters I should have in check before adding soft corals? obviously nitrates, phosphate, temp, salinity, and good flow, should I worry about Calcium and Alkalinity for soft corals and display macro algae?

2. Bought the tank second hand came with some Pure reef balance balls, they expired July this year (silly question here) should i still add them or buy some new ones?

3. should i be concerned with soft corals and macro algae competing for tank nutrients? I am in the belief the soft corals will photosynthesis and the macro algae will use the nitrates to survive/grow

4. Is there such thing as to much bio media? planning on putting 1kg of spioraxx with dry sand and 10kg of live sand and how much dry rock should i add?

5. In terms of display macro algae, any particular species that will not die after it grows and requires more nitrates then i can provide? I dont want to dose nitrate's or phosphates, possibly iron if it is recommended...

The tank came with a mini protein skimmer, hoping with the macro algae and bio media I wont need it?

Ultimately I want a Ultra low maintenance tank...all and any advice is appreciated