Mystery Disease killing fish.


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Upon getting the clownfish we treated with PraziPro for 1 week and a 5-day treatment of Ich-x. The clownfish were alone in the tank so they did not need to be qt. They were eating well and showed no sign of disease.

Upon receiving the tang we did a freshwater dip, a 1 month qt separate from the clownfish, and 2 weeks PraziPro treatment. She was eating minorly but not much. The main tank started to have a lot algae so I figured moving the tang to that tank to let it naturally graze would increase its natural grazing habits. Since it did not show any signs of any outward parasites since doing the freshwater dip I figured it would have no problem since it was also treated twice for internal parasites.

1 Week after adding the tang to the tank the tang, while it did start eating a bit more, randomly died after showing no sign of illness at all. After it died half of its body turned grey and I assumed that was from the fan it got sucked onto after it died. The next day both of my clownfish were on the substrate heavily breathing and barely swimming. I proceeded to do a 50% water change even though there was no ammonia readable in the tank. The larger, I'm assuming female clownfish, proceeded to die before I was able to help it. It had no sign of injury or parasites externally on its body and its body was not grey. All of its fins were intact and its eyes were not clouded over. It showed no sign of not eating before this and had no white feces. The other clown while it was heavily breathing and not swimming lived and we took it out of the tank and added it to a qt tank after giving it a dip in 37% formalin for 30 minutes. We then added the recommend aquarium dosing of 37% formalin to the qt tank and added the clownfish. Now the clownfish is swimming along the bottom very slowly and still showing signs of, not as bad, but relatively heavy breathing. It has no signs of any external parasites or bacterial infections, its eyes are completely unclouded but it is not eating at all therefore we cannot check if it has white feces. It is not showing signs of stress like hiding in corners or anything like that.

Does anyone know what is wrong with it? We researched Brooklynella and while it doesn't have slopping skin it is the only thing that we were able to find that fit the bill even partially and that's why we treated with formalin. The reason I didn't post a picture of the clown is because it has nothing out of the norm externally.

These are the results for the tank where this happened in -
Ammonia showing 0 on liquid test.
Nitrite is 0.1 on liquid test.
Nitrate is in between 5 and 10 on liquid test.
This was the fluval liquid test kit. Nitrate is in between the lowest to 2nd lowest and the rest are all the lowest.
Salinity is 1.024.
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Top Shelf Aquatics


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Any flashing? Wondering if it could be something like velvet...
No not velvet or ick. No sign of flashing, fins being eaten, or white spots. Just staying on the bottom breather a bit heavy, not eating, and swimming slowly on its stomach. I’ve checked the temp, perimeters, and everything is fine. I don’t get it. Even if it was velvet formula 37% and malachite green are one of the treatments for it. That’s what’s in most ich and velvet treatments. It’s either that or copper.

Jay Hemdal

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No not velvet or ick. No sign of flashing, fins being eaten, or white spots. Just staying on the bottom breather a bit heavy, not eating, and swimming slowly on its stomach. I’ve checked the temp, perimeters, and everything is fine. I don’t get it. Even if it was velvet formula 37% and malachite green are one of the treatments for it. That’s what’s in most ich and velvet treatments. It’s either that or copper.
I worry this is marine velvet. Very often, the only symptom you’ll see is rapid breathing, followed by death in 36 hours or so. Dips, prazi malachite green and ich-x won’t control it. Formalin has limited use in a dip and move scenario. Water quality issues can have similar symptoms, but you said there wasn’t any ammonia.
The standard treatment for velvet is copper, but to be honest, once fish have begun dying from it, copper just can’t work fast enough.


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I worry this is marine velvet. Very often, the only symptom you’ll see is rapid breathing, followed by death in 36 hours or so. Dips, prazi malachite green and ich-x won’t control it. Formalin has limited use in a dip and move scenario. Water quality issues can have similar symptoms, but you said there wasn’t any ammonia.
The standard treatment for velvet is copper, but to be honest, once fish have begun dying from it, copper just can’t work fast enough.
If it is velvet I’m only left wondering were it came from. The tang I added I had in qt for over a month before adding it with the clowns and it had no copper to keep velvet at bay in the tank. You would think velvet would have killed it way before I added it to my display. It’s wierd though because the tang never flashed once and it was in a qt tank with some dry rock it could have flashed against. The clowns were in that dt for almost two months and no flashing either, and this heavy breathing thing only started the day the tang died. It’s so strange. I’ve breed so many fish and set up dozens of tanks now and learned how to cycle tanks in minutes. I’ve never encountered this whatever it is. I’ve beaten diseases before to.

Jay Hemdal

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If it is velvet I’m only left wondering were it came from. The tang I added I had in qt for over a month before adding it with the clowns and it had no copper to keep velvet at bay in the tank. You would think velvet would have killed it way before I added it to my display. It’s wierd though because the tang never flashed once and it was in a qt tank with some dry rock it could have flashed against. The clowns were in that dt for almost two months and no flashing either, and this heavy breathing thing only started the day the tang died. It’s so strange. I’ve breed so many fish and set up dozens of tanks now and learned how to cycle tanks in minutes. I’ve never encountered this whatever it is. I’ve beaten diseases before to.
Velvet (Amyloodinium) has a life cycle very similar to marine ich (Cryptocaryon) although they are not closely related organisms. Key to both is a nasty "resting stage" where the parasite can remain in a diapause condition for 6 weeks or so and then become active again. That accounts for many spontaneous outbreaks.



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It was brooklynella the formalin worked. The Clownfish is swimming around normally now and breathing normally now. I'm treating one more day with the formalin. I'm just typing this out so that if anyone that has the same issue can see this. It makes sense because brook affects the gills so you wouldn't be able to see it outside of the body like velvet or ich.

Jay Hemdal

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It was brooklynella the formalin worked. The Clownfish is swimming around normally now and breathing normally now. I'm treating one more day with the formalin. I'm just typing this out so that if anyone that has the same issue can see this. It makes sense because brook affects the gills so you wouldn't be able to see it outside of the body like velvet or ich.
Glad you got it nailed down. I've never seen a clownfish with Brooklynella that didn't have external symptoms, at least towards the end of the infection. they don't always develop the "sloughing skin", but you can see some "congestion", turbid skin is another way to describe it.


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