My Treasure Chest (NUVO 75 EXT Build)



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(Photos will be added tomorrow.)
Hello again, everyone!! At long last, I am returning to the saltwater side. Why the name? Of course, the animals are all my treasures! It will also have a special decoration. I am having a treasure chest 3D-printed, and will be putting the names of my loved ones on semiprecious stones to place inside. I bought a used NUVO 75 EXT and am slowly getting everything together. According to my budget plan, I am 2-3 months to fish, and over a year to complete. I know I have a lot to learn yet, but this time I am much better equipped to get things right. Back 6-8 years ago, I had no idea what I didn't know, and I'm realizing I botched a lot. I imagine I'll be falling on my face more than once with this build, too, but...I am determined to keep learning and growing, and I am far better informed now.

Having fibromyalgia and suspected rheumatoid arthritis, some automation is needed, but somehow I have to balance that with a limited budget. I am attempting to build it out on a budget of less than $500 spent per month.

I am basically plumbed on the drain end of things, thanks to the tank's original owner. I just have to do the return. I'm planning on a Sicce return pump - either the Syncra Silent or the SDC. Probably the non-DC option...I'd like controllability, sure, but I'm probably going to do a set-and-forget kind of thing, which really doesn't justify the extra price.

Powerheads will be Ecotech VorTechs, probably a pair of MP40s; The tank will be mainly LPS, including a healthy helping of Goniopora, Acanthastrea, Micromussa, and photosynthetic Gorgonian, so I don't want to blast them too hard. I do also want an ORA pink Stylophora, Tips on how to do that right? Thinking the wider flow on these will be optimal, versus a jet stream. Starting with just one and making sure I get a battery backup (or two!) which is another HUGE selling point for me, since I live in a less populated area now and we will be very low on the power restoration priority list.

I still kind of want the Neptune SKY, but the fact is it's a bit beyond my budget. I'm probably going to go with a Grow Blade, later supplemented with a Freshwater Blade. I may add a Glow Blade down the line, as well. I like the Blades and Sky because, as an autistic, I often find the intense shimmer from most LEDs migraine-inducing.

I'm still conflicted as to whether to go with a skimmer or not. I like the idea of suspended particles and aminos and such as being food for your corals. Perhaps it would be a good idea the first year or two, combined with the planned refugium. If I do get a skimmer, I will probably get a Skimz or Reef Octopus model.

My refugium is going to have Gracilaria instead of Chaeto. I figure it'd be a nice treat for any herbivorous fish I end up with. I do realize I'll have to dose iron to make that work. I'll be dosing pods like a madwoman the first year or so, as well, even though my planned Mandarin Dragonet will be from Biota.

I am, contrary to popular instruction, actually going to be adding my Mandarin at the same time as my first fish. Since it will be Biota-bred, it should eat frozens, and that will make sure he has a chance to settle in and get used to the offered food (and methods thereof) before competition arrives. Before anyone has a panic attack, I will also be dosing pods at the same time. <3 This isn't my first Mandarin rodeo, and my beloved Spike - he's my avatar on the forum, btw - was one of the few things I did right. I trained that little guy to pellets myself, and he was fat and happy when I tragically lost him to a tank crash.

The planned fish - and y'all tell me if I have too much on the list - is:
Non-negotiable: a Biota black Ocellaris clownfish, possibly with an orange mate; a Biota Mandarin Dragonet; a Chalk Basslet (I believe ORA breeds them?); and a single Bartlett's Anthias, my dream fish.
Negotiable: a Biota Rainford's Goby to help me with algae; a Biota Royal Gramma (yes, I know that's a basslet too, but from what I understand they will be happy enough if I provide enough caves for both); a Royal Pencil Wrasse; and either a Magma or Conde's Fairy Wrasse. I also want a purple and maybe a blue Maxima clam.
Seems like a lot for a I'll take it slow and see how things are going. I am fully aware that the Pencil Wrasse is tricky, so if anyone has tips for him, I'd like to hear it. I do know they do much better shipped with sand, so I'm going to try to find a vendor who will do so or get him locally. I will be quarantining EVERYTHING, with prophylactics for Ich, Velvet, Brooklynella and that one other disease that causes lesions - the name escapes me atm.

Going with dry rock mainly for price considerations, possibly seeded with a little shipped-in-water ocean live rock, and a mixture of CaribSea Ocean Direct and Fiji Pink.

I find the methods that allow minimal water changes to be extremely alluring, just because of the physical work involved in water changes. Currently thinking Moonshiner's....we'll see just how well that works out budgetwise.

Eventually, I'd like to be able to sell some of my extra coral...but I kind of have to grow it first, so XDD we'll see down the line.

Yes, I am buying an Apex...

The tank does have a small chip in the corner, but I'm not seeing any spidering or anything like that. I'll be doing a month-long water test (two weeks half full, two more full) before I trust it. I may get a couple of glass plates to enclose and reinforce that corner.

Thoughts welcome!!
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Top Shelf Aquatics


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Photos!! I'm a little concerned about the left-hand top seam on the stand...seems like a big gap. The cam lock says it's aligned, though, and I can't get it to shift, so...I *think* it's OK? That little chip out of one of the corners of the tank worries me, too, but I'm not seeing any spidering or anything, and it's pretty shallow. Going to reinforce it with a glass plate siliconed over it, and then do an extended water test...unless someone in the Eddyville, KY area has an undamaged replacement they'd like to get rid of? I'm also wondering if it might be possible to just cut that back panel off and silicone in a new one...but I believe I'd have to reseal the whole tank to do it? I figure two weeks at half freshwater, then fill it up the rest of the way for another two weeks before doing anything like adding saltwater.

Pretty sure I have a few shots of that chip here somewhere...just gotta find it.


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Sadly, the damage to this tank possesses has led me to the painful choice of replacing this build will be delayed. By how long, I don't know. Probably several months. If anyone has an EXT 75 (I think the stand can also hold the 90 version? If so I'm interested in that one too) tank only, or an undamaged set of a nice aquarium with overflow and stand 75g or over (from any manufacturer) that they would be willing to discuss selling me, please do DM me. Need to be willing to deliver to Eddyville, KY if it's over a 75g, as it wouldn't fit in our car, or if you're over 3 hours away round-trip. I will pay gas if you're close enough to make that worth it.

I will continue to update as I make gear and livestock choices, but the build obviously cannot actually proceed until I have another aquarium.

If, on the other hand, someone wants to buy the stand (I fixed the worrisome gap, that was my fault) and therefore help me towards a new set, do DM me about that too. I will not sell the aquarium itself unless you intend to tear it apart, rather than using it as-is. It may not be safe for your animals, and I don't want to pass that onto someone else. for that thread.
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Top Shelf Aquatics
Top Shelf Aquatics


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So. I was asked to give an equipment list. I have nothing yet but an Inkbird for a heater X'D Not even the heater yet! I can give a tentative list, though.

Light: 2x AI Blade Grow, 2x Radion XR15 Pro G4 or 5, or Neptune Sky - haven't decided yet.
Return Pump: Nautilus DC1600, debating between that and the Sicce Syncra SDC 6.0. If anyone has input about the Nautilus' reliability and noise level, let me know.
Powerheads: 2x Ecotech MP40s or 2x Nero (5?) I like the Nero's aimability and price, but I like the cord and motor of the MPs being outside the tank a lot, too, and I want something with a battery backup...thoughts?
RODI: I have a 4-stage with a second membrane add-on from Spectrapure, just needs some refurbing (fresh tubing and filters, and a new flow restrictor.) On a side note, cats will chew RO tubing...just a warning.
Generator For Emergencies: WEN 56203i If anyone has a link to a video on how to properly care for a generator, do tell. Will probably also have the Ecotech backup batteries for outages that are OK in the temperature department.
Skimmer: Undecided - I'm going with mostly refugium filtration, so I may not get one at all. If I do, it will probably be a Nyos or Reef Octopus model. Possibly an external. We'll see.
Salt Mix: AccuraSea 1 or Tropic Marin Pro-Reef
Trace: Mainly Isol8 MT, will adjust as needed per ICP results
Aminos: Amino LPS by Korallen-zucht
Sump: I was given a DIY sump with the used setup (looks like a 29g, maybe?) and will most likely use it. It's a little small, but then so is the stand...not much I can do there.
Doser: Either the GHL with 4 heads, or the Ecotech Versa...needs more research. The Versa's expensive, which is my main problem with it.
Controller: Neptune Apex
Heater: Undecided, might go with AquaTop because they've served me well in the past. I have an InkBird for until I get the Apex.
Test Kits: BRS Master Kit and Hanna Salinity Tester
Sand: Ocean's Direct Live Sand
Rock: Marco Rock
Chiller: I am considering a chiller for situations where we have no AC, but I have absolutely no clue about them...
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Do you guys think this chiller would be adequate for a Kentucky summer? A big part of what killed my tank before was the AC going out on the rental we were in and not getting fixed for a year and a half. This guy seems more on his repairs, but with how hot it probably gets out here, I'm nervous to be without one. Doesn't need to be fancy - just reliable, and low enough wattage for the planned generator to run (along with powerheads and/or return pump) in an outage.


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Well, so much for that. They're out of stock.
I'll have a quick look around, see if I can locate another. If not, I guess I'm saving for a 100g. Or maybe the 112 build-to-order, if they're still discounting that so steeply when I have enough.
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I just have to be patient.


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Welp, it looks like the Waterbox Reef 100.3 fits the stand, plus or minus a tenth of an inch on the length and width. Should be fine, if not a glove fit. When I have enough for one, that is the replacement I'm going for. Hopefully the stand will be compatible with the piping setup...if not, I'll save up and get its stand. Turns out the NUVO was actually only 61g, by the way O.O...the Waterbox is 71.7g. So it'll be a nice upgrade.


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Due to an urgent financial issue, I am saving to help a close friend for a few months, which means progress will be slow at best. On a brighter note, I will be building my credit at the same time, meaning there's a possibility that when I can finally spring for the new tank I may be able to put it on payments (which would tremendously speed getting it.) I will be buying smaller bits of equipment each month. Gonna get this done, it'll just be slow. My loved ones come first.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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