My Reefing Journey

Reefer Matt

Reef Cave Dweller
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May 15, 2021
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Hey Reefers! I've gone back and forth about sharing this story for a while. But I figured if I didn't do it now I never will...

My Reefing Journey

Reef Aquariums, normally billed as a hobby of excess, have much to offer those willing to try. For me, reefing started out like most. Back in 2005, I visited a pet store that had saltwater critters in it, and became instantly hooked on the possibilities of having them in my home. As a child, I wanted to be a marine biologist, but my path in life didn't quite take me there.

I was handy at designing websites at the time, and ended up getting a side job making one for a local fish store that just opened. Every day that I could, I came into the store to learn and talk with the owner about reefing.

After saving some money for a few months, I bought my first saltwater aquarium! A 110 gallon tall beauty that came complete with a stand! Every week I would get another piece of the reefing puzzle to add to the tank. Crushed coral, some live rock, and a retrofit high bay light fixture from eBay did the trick. I even made some of my own rock from portland cement. Oh, how things were coming together! As the weeks of cycling passed, I began to stock my new found passion with life and watch in amazement! My kids and nephews were amazed as well, and this new display was certainly the center of our home.

As time moved forward, however, life took hold and tough decisions had to be made. The economy couldn't support my new passion, and I had a family to provide for. In 2006, the hard decision of selling off the tank and livestock was made, and life carried me further from the hobby I so much enjoyed. Fast forward to 2016. After working out of town and watching my kids grow up on a computer, I decided to take a job closer to home. For a couple years, life seemed normal, but something was missing. It wasn't until 2018 that I realized my long lost passion for reefing had escaped me years prior.

So with a little research, I began anew. This time was different! There was this company I never heard of, called "BRS". They had videos on YouTube covering every topic I could think of, and more! I watched every video and felt well armored for the journey to come. This was it! My return to the long lost hobby I enjoyed so much! And now I could afford it, and had plenty of room to accommodate my new venture. I started my return with a modest 36 gallon bowfront tank. It was on sale at a local Petsmart, and perfect for me to get back into things. As I delved into my lost passion, I realized there were no more saltwater pet stores in my area.

I next began a mission of finding fellow reefers on Facebook. (I was unfamiliar with Reef2Reef at the time). There were no groups in my area, so I made one myself. I started small, and met a few local hobbyists who helped me out tremendously! Their mentoring molded me into a successful Reefer to be. As time progressed, I wanted to find and meet all the reefers I could. I made larger and larger groups. After a couple years, things got to a point that I wanted to start giving back. I had previously enjoyed the benefits of generous reefers, and I wanted to give to the reefing community that we created. Regular giveaways of coral frags and other prizes became the norm. Every month it seemed a new giveaway occured. Others soon joined in the giving, and the group started to feel more like a family.

And as family often does, some of us parted ways. Some left the hobby, some moved away, and some (like me) dealt with personal events. I dealt with alcohol addiction for 20 years, and decided to quit in 2021. Reefing, while always a passion, became my addiction. It kept me busy and focused on things so I didn't feel the urge to return to my prior habit. My wife and kids started to enjoy the "new me" as well. Later that year, I lost a dear family member, my mother. The pain of watching her leave this world will always be with me. Oh, how I wanted to return to that habit of forgetfulness and numbness. But instead, I kept my focus on the many boxes of aquatic life I had acquired over the years, and they were a crutch in my time of need.


My pufferfish, Puffy, was there to splash and spit water at me everyday. The coral needed their attention as well. Cleaning the tanks and fine tuning the parameters kept me very busy for a while. And after a year or so, I began to feel like myself again. Things calmed down, and life made sense once more. I started to reconnect with some of the reefers I lost touch with, and regretted some misunderstandings with others.

I then rediscovered Reef2Reef. I had an account briefly a couple years prior, but forgot my login info. I never really participated before, but this time was different. I was motivated and willing to share. That is when I became "Reefer Matt". I decided to help as many Reefers as I can, and also continue my search for reefing knowledge.

Today, still sober, my reefs and salty friends are a permanent part of my being. Everyday I surround myself with them, and give them the care they need. After all these years, I never would have guessed that they would take care of me as well. I now know that no matter what happens in my life, as long as I have my family and salty friends, I am well adapted for life's challenges and paths. Reefing saved me from addiction and grief, and I hope to help others through reefing as well.


Everyone has a different reason to reef. Each is just as important and special. I wish you all to find your reason, and hope it gives your life more meaning and happiness. Take care, and Happy Reefing!

-Reefer Matt
Reefer Matt

Reefer Matt

Reef Cave Dweller
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May 15, 2021
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The journey makes the reward at the end that much better. Congrats to you...
Thank you. Though one of the hardest things for me to do, it was much easier with my reefs. Still not a drop, 27 months later.


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May 8, 2006
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Man thank you so much for sharing your journey.....this far.....with us and for being a great member here at R2R! Congrats on your sobriety and I know you'll continue to be successful!