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Top Shelf Aquatics
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Oct 26, 2021
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Hi and welcome! We’re glad you joined! You’ll find that people here are friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable. Hopefully you’ll start a build thread so we can see your reef as it progresses.

The same thing happened to me as well. I battled dinos for about 7 or 8 months. Getting live rock from another reefer with a mature system was the solution. That and chaeto from the same system. The dinos finally went extinct after that. It took about a week before the dinos completely went away. There’s hope!

Fish Think Pink

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Mar 6, 2021
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Hello, everyone. I'm sure nobody will read this but I am just introducing myself here. I started a Fluval 13.5 Evo in August. I bought the tank used from a guy off of Facebook marketplace and he told me that some of his tank had died because of a mysterious brown algae, so he was selling the tank and getting a bigger one. I bought the tank and added some beginner-friendly corals like zoas. I also added some frogspawn, hammers, and a birdsnest.

Fast forward to now and my tank was completely overrun with the same brown snot algae, which after a lot of research I found out was prorocentrum dinos. I was doing lots of basting and manual removal, but they kept coming back no matter what. My clown fish were fine, but some snails died, as well as my chaeto.

I removed all the sand, and kept the coral on a few rocks in the bare bottom tank.

I bought a new prostar 60 v2 tank and I am using a Nicrew 150W light on it. I am also using a RedSea Reef Wave 25. I installed a 24W UV sterilizer, even though prorocentrum don't go into the water column unless they're starved for light. Unfortunately, when I was moving the UV sterilizer over, the pump blew some of the water from my old aquarium into my new one. So, now I'm just trying to aggressively treat my new tank for dinos preemptively.

Part of this just involves me monitoring phosphate and nitrate, adding small amounts (3 drops per day) of SpongExcel from Brightwell Aquatics, dosing some Algaebarn phytoplankton, and some pods. I saw some brown patches in my aquarium so I sucked some out with a syringe and looked at it under a microscope. Although I saw about 3 prorocentrum, I mostly just saw hundreds of diatoms, so I am hoping to use the silica to sustain a small diatom bloom until other things can become established and outcompete the dinos. I'm really scared though and I don't want my new tank to become overrun like my old tank was.

Anyway, I've only lost one coral so far. It was a green pipe organ that got choked out by the dinos when I went on vacation for a week and couldn't baste them off.

I just wish I could have joined the hobby without having to learn by fighting dinos. My living room looks crazy because of all the buckets and equipment I have everywhere and my wife is getting mad.

Looking forward to learning more from you all.

Welcome! Glad you joined. It sounds like you have tremendous BBA - Bounce Back Ability - that is a wonderful life skill and great for this hobby! HANG IN THERE!!

Have you considered starting your build thread? I found its a great place to document my tank's evolution for myself. I started tank first then joined, so I'm still finding myself going back collecting pictures & updating historically as well as current state. Once you create your first post in your thread under Forum > Member Aquariums and link it to your account, they will give you build badge (look left, under my ID)

This might help you find people local to you in Columbus:

This is a good reference book type online article I still review:
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Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%