My first impression of Hybrid MH/T5

A. grandis

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No not at all. More BS. If you can be "brainwashed by a company then you dont need to be in the hobby, lol. Its pretty simple.
Your comments prove you have never ran leds, maybe not even halides, on a acro system.
This is you:
"The comparison will never be fair for any halide user/lover simply because they love the results from halides and know the results from LEDs". Again your bashing leds with no real world experience except what others spew.
I am the one in the above quote you referenced and I know the results you get from leds because I have ran both. I prefer leds now and I know what halides can do.

Its ok to be pro whatever but constantly putting down a proven lighting system, all included, is counter productive, imo.
I just want to say this: my extensive experience with Acropora (and many other genus of corals) since 1995 working in a public Aquarium was/is more than enough to allow me to judge. Too bad I can't publish observations in that regard. Just like what Tullio have published about other public Aquariums that changed their LEDs back to halides because of their unpublished experiences. They need to follow their rules.
Also important is what other have posted here!
Every halide thread is the same thing... I get tired.
Top Shelf Aquatics


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I have a simple question that bothers me about LED lighting.
Here are 2 systems that cost about the same after a few years of bulb changes. Never mind one is 2 feet longer.

My problem is how many points of failure exist in the LED system compared to the MH-T5 system. I can repair the MH-T5s myself. I can replace ballasts and bulb holders. On the LEDs I could probably do fans and power supplies.
But all the solder joints scare me. Then there are the stories of corrosion on the boards.

IMHO they work about the same. I am happy with both. The MH does put out lots of heat but not enough to matter where I live. It just keeps my heaters off all day. 900 watts of them. By the time you get enough LEDs over a tank the wattage difference with 250w MH is not very big so I don't think there is even much power savings
I did the math and over 6 feet I have 860 watts LED and 1050 MH/T5 or 190 watts difference

So if I buy a MH system it will work as long as I want it because I can fix it or replace any part of it. That is not true as far as I can tell with LEDs

Now obviously I decided to try and see in spite of my concers and put LEDs over my 180, but

Do any of you think about this?
Top Shelf Aquatics

A. grandis

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i currently have leds on my mixed reef, i am looking to switch over to MH /led Or MH /T5 but there are limited/no products that won’t look crazy on a peninsula open concept in a main living area
That is a huge problem! It gets worse every time people keep buying old stock of halide gear and it's not replaced.

You can contact Giesemann directly and get a very nice system:
Hamilton has some:
Reef Brite is still a great option too:

Sometimes I get very excited in this forum... people know me already!
I love all here, no hard feelings...

90's reefer

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I just want to say this: my extensive experience with Acropora (and many other genus of corals) since 1995 working in a public Aquarium was/is more than enough to allow me to judge. Too bad I can't publish observations in that regard. Just like what Tullio have published about other public Aquariums that changed their LEDs back to halides because of their unpublished experiences. They need to follow their rules.
Also important is what other have posted here!
Every halide thread is the same thing... I get tired.
Thanks for posting your experience. I had no idea. Anyway I get the passion. You have more than most people around today.
Peace brother!
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Thanks for posting your experience. I had no idea. Anyway I get the passion. You have more than most people around today.
Peace brother!
Careful on the Tuillo thing. Many changed back for the animals ie tortoises and penguins or some such nonsense.
AFAICT nothing to do w/ corals.
I assume VitA/UV thing.

He mentions it in a Rappin With Reefbum vid.
Pretty sure it is in this one..

Some people have a habit of taking things out of context..
Besides Tuillo has a warehouse full of mh bulbs he needs to sell.. just kidding sort of.

90's reefer

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Careful on the Tuillo thing. Many changed back for the animals ie tortoises and penguins or some such nonsense.
AFAICT nothing to do w/ corals.
I assume VitA/UV thing.

He mentions it in a Rappin With Reefbum vid.
Pretty sure it is in this one..

Some people have a habit of taking things out of context..
Besides Tuillo has a warehouse full of mh bulbs he needs to sell.. just kidding sort of.
Funny I have never followed them anyway. I dont profess to know everything. I did learn everything on my own in the 90's and am still learing.


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Funny I have never followed them anyway. I dont profess to know everything. I did learn everything on my own in the 90's and am still learing.
Guess it was Oysters.. LOL 1:16-ish penguins and turtles..
This starts at a decent discussion ..There are some err things that have been believed early (thanks to NASA) but later rejected.

One point is if an aquarium switched over one needs to know " why"....
It is not enough just to say they did.
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A. grandis

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Not only problems with penguins and tortoises, but also cephalopods, fishes, corals, anemones, etc. The whole system respond to light. Experiences with those animals show serious non published observations pointing negative qualities/results using LEDs in professional systems. It's unfortunately that such information can't be release to the public!
Well, I'm glad that people like the op in this thread still can represent and publish the positive results of halides in comparison.


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wow this thread i gone out of control.
I'm sorry to see the wars here, it makes me sad.
here is some interesting facts , about MH , based on my personal experience:

1. electricity bills- with T5/led hybrid it was 500 shekels (approximately 147 dollars per month). With MH its 160 dollars per month.

2 .Heat - T5/led hybrid generat medium amounts of heat. MH generat medium to high amount of heat. I have 2 fans that installed on each reflector. solved the problem. I live in Israel , its hot weather country .

3. Dirty talk of other reefers - when I first installed my T5/hybrid above my tank , 80% of my fellow reefers called me and and warned me that I was making a serious mistake in choosing the lighting. I didn't listen to any of them. When I upgraded the lighting to metal halide, they went completely crazy and told me that I would go out of business, that they automatically stop making the bulbs and all kinds of other claims. They were wrong, big time. They said such harsh and nasty things about metal halide lighting that it was hard for me to even hear it.

4. health of corals and macro alge - 2.5 month from switching to MH i can see outbreak of coraline alge ,all over the tank. in the small LPS tank (connected same sump with the DT) that powered with Radion G5, i can't see any of coraline alge. in fact , I had small outbreak of Dino's and guess what...the Dinos spread in the LPS tank but hasn't spread at all at DT under MH.

5. SPS frags - since day 1 that I added the frags to the DT ,they are very happy ! I never saw such positive reaction in sps frags, in any led system that I had. that is solid fact.

6. Availability of MH equipment-
Metal Halide's equipment is sold by several suppliers around the world, and is available for purchase at any moment! I checked it personally!

7. Coral farms- I have very good friend here in Israel , that own big coral farm.
he came to my house few days ago and was very impressed with my tank , especially the MH fixture.
Now - he decided to switch all of his lighting fixtures in the farm - its 25 ATI power module hybrids (25 !!!) to MH FULL SYSTEMS .
That was completely surprised me.

I hope that we stop the lighting wars. let us halide users to enjoy this hobby ,exactly like everyone else.

Happy reefing !
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So you think we should listen that only LED will take you to heaven?
That is what LED pastors (manufactures) preach.
Nah, listen to what you want. I listened to local reefers with success and found the same with my choices. Don’t need any advertising to make me feel right or wrong. You’re probably the same way which is great. Reef On!


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Here is my second question. I light a large tank and have 4-8 LED lamps over it.
3-5 years from now one fails. They are no longer made. They have moved on to the newer and better new model.

What then?

Do I have to add in a non matching fixture.
Sell the others and buy again.
Look for a used one.
All a gamble to me.

These questions are why the MH/T5 lights are over my 240. I am not growing acros or any SPS. They get ate in my tank usually. It was because I could keep the MH/T5 going even if something failed. It was also way cheaper up front then.


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Here is my second question. I light a large tank and have 4-8 LED lamps over it.
3-5 years from now one fails. They are no longer made. They have moved on to the newer and better new model.

What then?

Do I have to add in a non matching fixture.
Sell the others and buy again.
Look for a used one.
All a gamble to me.
Yep, this it the issue I have with them and why I am going back to halide/T5. You have to buy their latest and greatest and spend a lot of money. It's all about marketing and 'new features' to make you open your wallet and buy into the hype.


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MH lightning don't need expensive Expensive advertising...because they are simply succesful plug and play lights.
The costs of the led's was one reson that i decided to install MH.
MH are accutly more cost effective, then leds.
the second reson is growth rate of SPS corals. its amazing.
If the biggest coral farm in my country have decided to upgrade they iintire lighting fixtures over they pools to MH ,this is powerful statement about they effinecy and success ,for me.
You need to decided what type of bulb you want to installe , because there are different spectrum and different color for each bulb.


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Hot take: the use of real live rock will positively impact coral growth early on far more than lighting tech choice.

Water quality is more important.

Also…..the infomercial comment. Spot on. Be cautious of any cloyingly sweet review of something someone has had their hands on for only a few minutes.

Turd Ferguson

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Top Shelf Aquatics and similar vendors all run MH on the SPS grow out thanks and honestly, I can't keep up with the growth on some of my SPS, in particular Montipora. I end up having to throw bit in the trash every few weeks, or donate to the LFS (not keen on selling coral as a side hustle). I go away for 2 weeks and come back having to prune.

I think it's a matter of selecting the right supplementary lighting for you reef to have "your look". I'm using Reefbrite, it works, but I prefer T5, or old school VHO (but not going to happen)

Years ago I had a 75G with x2 150W 10k MH, and PC Actinic bulbs (coralife fixture). Super easy to maintain and the looks and growth was amazing. I wish I would have kept the fixture.

The hardest thing I've found is acclimating some SPS frags to MH as they've been grown under LED (generally)... takes some times to get the frags comfy, then they get blasted with light and are A+

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