My 85g reef experiment


david p.

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A little bit about me first.
I'm an Engineer, so you will see that in terms of planning and organization, i also have the Engineer syndrome ;) Also have a 9yo boy and a 7yo daughter, and of course my wife tolerate my 'hobbies'.

I started my tank in May 2016, i'm pretty happy that i have waited that long to start a saltwater tank given the expenses related to the hobby, i can now aquire the equipement and live stock that i want.
Initially the project was suppose to be a 72''x24''x24'' freshwater biotope for discuss, i was missing a few inch to get the tank in the basement, so a revisited the options and went 'Why not a reef'.

Set-up and equipment:
85 gal Blau Aquarium
2x Xr30w Pro
2x MP40wQD
Apex controler with AFS & ALD module
40breeder DIY sump
IceCap K-160 skimmer
Evergrow Nova S2 90w LED for the fuge
2xphosban reactor for GFO and carbon.
Kamoer dosing pump (Ca / Alk / Mg);
ATO - Tunze 8555
2x 300w Cobalt aquatic heater
Return pump Jebao 7000 (oversized to feed manifold)
Coralife Turbo twist 18wattts

20160430_203924_resized (800x450).jpg

20160501_172608_resized (450x800).jpg

Changed the skimmer for Icecap K-160 since that picture.
20160507_200456_resized (800x450).jpg

The tank/stand/sump

I wanted to build an automatic water change and to have a mixing station behind the wall on the back of the tank, that's under my stairs going in the basement. After setting the tank up with RODI system with my RODI water tank, i realized that i don't have the space needed. So the build is pretty much on hold regarding closing the stand / mixing station / water change.

That's what i have in mind now, frag tank on the left. QT on the right near a sink. No more auto water change, but proximity will make it easy. to get the sink there i need to brake the concrete to get a drain there .. that's a pain in the neck... but so much easier to clean everything

My basement would look like that:

The rocks:
i was planning to start with dry rock and do the long and painfull process of cycling, waiting, patience... BUT i was lucky, some Reef guru around here had too much rocks from his shallow reef, rocks that he bleached, cured for his SPS dominant tank. i jumped on 90 pounds of live rocks from him and dumped that in my tank. At that time, i only had sand and water in the tank, i already started cycling with sand only. All parameter dropped to zero Nitrate/Nitrites and amonia within days. Phosphate was at 0, so nothing seemed to leach from the rocks,i'm also running GFO.
i had a bloom of diatom and some brown hair algae, got my Cleaning crew, couple of trochus snail, nerite (for the sand bed) and hermites, i added a sandsifting starfish since then.
i assumed from there that my tank was cycled and got my first fishes. I know that is really fast, the tank was less than 1 month old, but i wanted to maintain the bacteria population so i needed to feed them with fish poop. At that time i was basically testing daily or every other day to make sure i was in control.
The way i saw things for my rocks, it's like someone upgrading his system and transfering his rocks to a new system, he does not restart from scratch.
I would not have done the same thing with rock from a 15yo tank, or from a tank i could see aptasia, algae or an unbalanced system. I really believe i was lucky on the quality of the rocks i got.

The livestock:
I got 5 fish that were on the same system at the LFS. 2x flame back angel ,2 midnight ocelaris, 1 watchman goby + pistol shrimp. No QT for those since there were in the same system.
Parameters remained at zero.

Soon after i got my first corals, mostly LPS and softies and a couple of SPS i got for cheap. i did not expect anything from the SPS (montipora digitata / undata, birdnest / JF sour twist frag).
I bleached 2 of the birdnest after a newbie mistake, i forgot my Radion at 100% intensity.... the got back their color now and crazy growth

I introduced a Kole tang and a fire fish after a 3wks QT.
i was still testing frequently to ***** the impact of the quick changes i was doing on the tank.
At that moment the tank was 2 months old.

Fast foward a couple weeks, in july a guys was closing his system, i could grab many nice colonies (some RR-wolverine, apple jack, oregon blue torth and other 'random' RR frags).
I KNOW IT'S CRAZY FAST TO GET SPS, but for the price and the growth i could see on my 'lower grade' SPS, i said why not, deals like this do not come often and my parameters were all on target.
Aslo, i think that my system is well built and my nutriment export is robust.

Here's a video at time 3 months:


i started an album for my corals:

I know i am well ahead of my initial planning and most reefer would think i will crash my tank or that i don't know what i'm doing. But all decision were made based on the observation of my system, how my fishes and corals are doing/looking, the signs of growth i could see, the testing i was doing and my past experience on maintaining balance in an ecosystem.
I am still testing frequently, i religiously do 10% waterchange weekly, make sure my sand remains clean, i do not overfeed. I also target feed coral to make sure they get what they need (reefroids).

as mentionned previously, i saw my tank start-up as an upagrade someone would do with their rocks from their previous system.

the thing i am most worried about would be the pest i could have introduced while stocking my tank that fast. so far so good. only hitchhiker are a couple of stomella, a flashy orange clam (less than 1cm in size). I dip all coral, i try to remove the plugs/rocks when possible.

For now, nothing else will get in my tank for a long while, i will watch my coral grow. i started selling my 'lower' grade SPS / LPS / softies.

The only fish i will had somewhere around December would be a couple of Chalk bass, that will complete my fish stocking.

here's a bad FTS:


meuble front.JPG

meuble 3.JPG

DSCN0234 - Copie.JPG

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Top Shelf Aquatics
Orphek OR3 reef aquarium LED bar
Top Shelf Aquatics


Tang, Angel, and Wrasse Nerd!
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Wow beautiful, love the thoroughness and detail! Very cool renderings and beautiful work thus far! Thanks for sharing!
Top Shelf Aquatics
david p.

david p.

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Tonight i stopped in the front of the tank, pH is at 8.06 (usually it's around 8.2-8.3).
I test for Alk........ 115 on my Hanna checker.. that means ... 6.44 alk....:confused::confused::confused: my heart stop.

Rewind up to friday:
I did little 'regular' maintenance on the tank,one of the things i did was to fill my Alk-Ca containers and prime the tubing. i tested Alk and was at 8.15.

Fast foward to present day and time:
Looking at my Apex, i see something occuring around 2 am. No alarm was set on pH (now it is).

When i looked at my ALk pump, the tubing was empty...probably that the tubing was bended up to the surface and was sucking air. it drained in the tank at 2 am. that's my guess. i am using 2 parts bottles with a tubing diping from above in the container. (i just ordered 2 Aquamax container). i knew i wanted to get them eventually, but was busy on getting my cabinet closed so it went on the 'To Do' list and forgot about it
I started adding Alk 5mL at the time, 1h apart. To bring back pH in range and alk. over 6h, alk is at 7.11 and pH 8.4.
I prepared water for a quick water change and will probably dose baking soda to increase alk without impacting pH.
It's 1 am now, water not at good temp, i will do tomorrow morning.

did i corrected pH and Alk to fast ?
what the low alk over 12-16h can do ?
can the fast increase in alk and pH damage the corals ?
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david p.

david p.

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my assumption does not make sense... something happened to the pH, but it got back a little lower then before the spike (8.18) and kept dropping afterwards, i don't understand the spike in pH... i don't get it.
the tubing was still empty problby somewhere from friday to today no Alk from dosing pump
david p.

david p.

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i woke up ealry (4h night of sleep) to check how things are going. Coral and fish look fine, i guess 6.44alk for a short period of time was not that dramatic. I increased 1 dkh in ~6-7 hours.
Thinking using baking soda to get an addition 0.5 to reach 8 dkh. then wait for tomorrow for final adjustment. i don't want to go above 1.5 dkh correction per day, will let the system adjust.

During my check on the tank, i openned the lights, i scared one of my clown who became pale by stiking my big face in their corner, and it went down to the bottom of the tank. i have a rock with 8 bta in that corner, but my clown never touched it.

Yeah!!! i was so happy yo see that live!

Guess what.... 5 min later, my angels woke up and start their patrol on the reef. the second my biggest flameback angel, the most dominant, saw my male in the BTA, he went right on my clown and beat the **** out of it. My ocelaris fins are all messed up, clown not in bta anymore and seem exhaust, swim rapidly. the angel was visious. first time i see that kind of agressivness.
the angels never cared about the clown.


Electrical Gru
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Man that is a beautiful tank for being so new, I hope I do that well when I get my setup done!
Sorry about your current problems but it sounds like you will find a solution.
Top Shelf Aquatics


Electrical Gru
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just saw my angel that attacked the clown, he has lots of white spots, not ich, more like burns... probably from the BTA. he looks stuned. do not patrol anymore and hide.
Will it get better ?
First thing the [HASHTAG]#reefkeepers[/HASHTAG] are going to ask for is a picture. Hope I used the hashtag right to get the right people to look at the thread!
david p.

david p.

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Man that is a beautiful tank for being so new, I hope I do that well when I get my setup done!
Sorry about your current problems but it sounds like you will find a solution.
thanks, but i would not recommand that approach, by taking that road, i take risk, but to mitigate this i have to spend more time testing and following how thing are evolving. i'm lucky to have good friends around to help. i make an almost daily log on testing, observation, pictures to follow are things are evolving.


Electrical Gru
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i would not recommand that approach, by taking that road, i take risk, but to mitigate this i have to spend more time testing and following how thing are evolving.
No, I didn't mean the speed with which you did it, only the end results. I'll be happy if I'm at that point a year after setting up my tank.
Nutramar Foods
david p.

david p.

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First thing the [HASHTAG]#reefkeepers[/HASHTAG] are going to ask for is a picture. Hope I used the hashtag right to get the right people to look at the thread!

picture is not possible, he's hiding. one thing i'm affraid would be that the other flameback angel turn on him while weak to take control... they usually get along well, but they are territorial fish.
david p.

david p.

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just got back from work, other than the fins of my male ocelaris, he seems fine. My angel too seems to have recovered from this morning.
no signs of agressivness.
The clown are not interested into the BTA :( i was sure that finally they would 'pair' with the BTA.

gonna test all parameters (Nitrates, phosphate,alk, ca, mg, pH) just to make sure nothing else is imbalanced.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%