Hello R2R, Im new to the forum and wanted to say Hi to everyone and share with you guys my latest build and journey I started 4 months ago. I've been in the hobby for about 15 years now and this is my first attempt at a SPS dominant tank. The tank has been up for four months now and everything is going very well. Before I started this tank I spent about two years resaerching everything I could about SPS, reading countless books and forums and talking to people that have been suscesfull at keeping SPS. Everyone has different ways to do things but theres also a lot of constants that can be follow to achieved a succesfull SPS tank, that is Light, Flow, Nutrients, and Parameters. I read on a thread before that SPS=Stability Promotes Success, that really hit home and it has become my number one priority when it comes to this new tank and so far so good. I dont have any good pictures to show you guys but as soon as I get a good camera I will post my progress. My tank is a 60g cube 24x24x24, light is provide by a Radion G2 hanging 8" above the water runing on a 12 hour schedule at a maximum intensity of 70%, this setting gives 800 par at the surface of the water with about 370 par at the top of the aquascape and about 180 par on the sand bed. Water movement is taking care of by a single MP-40 running at a maximum speed of 70% on the Tidal Swell Mode. In the 30 gallon sump I have a Vertex-150 protein skimmer. Dosing is taking care by a Vertex Libra, and I run carbon and GFO thru a BRS dual media reactor. Top off water is done by a Tunze Omolator. Everything in the tank is controlled by an APEX. My parameters are as follow, PH-7.9-8.2, Nitrate-0, Phosphate-0, Calcium-450, ALK-9dkh, Mag-1320, Temp-78.4-79.8, Salinity 1.026. I perform a 5 gallon water change every week, i use Red Sea Coral Pro salt. I clean my glass twice a week and change my media every 4 weeks. I dose BRS two part, 18ml ALK and 20ml Cal a day in a 12 hour period so far. I feed my fish twice a day, feed the corals once a week with DR.G's SPS Max and dose SPS Power once a week by hand. So far i have not have to dose Mag, it seems that the water changes are taking care of that, but everything is in place for when the time comes. I test my water twice a week and let my corals let me know if something is wrong, so far so good. The tank is mostly frags right now, but they are adapting well and started to grow. Here are some pictures I took with my iphone so you guys have an idea how everything looks. Any tips, comments and concerns are really welcome and appreciated.