Have 5 dwarf…2 Coral Beauty, Flameback, Flame, Potters. It definitely can work. Also, Majestic, Convict Tang and Purple Tang…in 180The tank is a 220 6x2x30". Eventually I plan to go up to a 6-8'x 3'x30 tank. If I have room, I'll go 4' wide but it may not fit my space in either the garage or in the house. 4ft definitely won't fit in the garage right now as that is my old cars parking spot.
I do not believe I will be taking this Singapore home anymore. It isn't taking much to prepared foods too much still because it's grazing off the rocks. Unfortunately that includes eating parts of the Kenya tree in their aquarium. Normally I wouldn't care but I have two color variations of Kenya tree, one of which is neon green and I can't risk it being destroyed.
One of the other local spots is holding a juvenile imperator angel for me. It's readily eating nori right now. They also have a juvi Koran that is eating like a pig. I hear these could be hot or miss on soft corals as adults however. Yes I am aware these are not in the realm of the dwarfs but Im thinking of a final tank ruler. The other fish I'm looking at locally is a flame, a bicolor, a coral beauty that's almost all purple and a really mustard colored heralds/false lemon angel. I really only have the one QT setup right now so I will have to be choosey.
We are almost at the 90day fallow period so things could progress nicely and perhaps I can convince one of the local shops to hold me some fish while I rotate through QT tanks. I do have the extra tanks for QT, just not the available space built yet. That's the plan with building the fish room in the garage. I'd like to have several 20QTs and maybe a 30+ setup just in case.
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