If it’s not true don’t say it.
If you don’t know the answer don’t make one up.
If you have no experience with it leave it to the experienced and learn from it.
Don’t be a parrot and repeat everything you hear.
Use the search function instead of asking the same question that was answered many times before.
Call people out on the above.
I am sure that I am guilty. I do try to share my “experience”
Who am I, and how important is it
Disregard if my rant doesn’t apply
If you don’t know the answer don’t make one up.
If you have no experience with it leave it to the experienced and learn from it.
Don’t be a parrot and repeat everything you hear.
Use the search function instead of asking the same question that was answered many times before.
Call people out on the above.
I am sure that I am guilty. I do try to share my “experience”
Who am I, and how important is it
Disregard if my rant doesn’t apply