Harold, glad they updated the firmware to clean more often between tests. My sense is that this device has so many hiccups and failed tests that it is wasting a lot of reagent. Second, people are testing way more than actually necessary because they can .It doesn't waste any more reagent than a manual test would do, so the total cost of testing is the same (except ofcourse the purchase of the MT itself ).
Doing the tests in the proper order - this was the case for PO4 and NO3 - is old news, newer firmwares have added extra automatic needle cleaning when required. You can test what you want 24/7 without any contamination.
There is no need to test most elements like Mg, nitrates and phosphates multiple times a day or even every day unless you truly have a 0 elements tank. It makes sense to test for dKH multiple times a day...but that really is all that is needed.