Hey all
So as the title says, im most definitely losing the fight against bubble algea.
Its basically everywhere in my tank now, on every rock, pumps, between corals and even growing on snail shells
Ive been manually removing during water changes with small tubing to suck it all out but by the next week its back again. Pretty much at the point where im going to need to remove the rocks completely to get to it all.
To note, i have zero other algea to compete with it which im geussing is a bad thing. I only have two clowns so not really possible to over feed. Any ideas what i can do before I tear this aquascape down and cause myself an absolute headache?
So as the title says, im most definitely losing the fight against bubble algea.
Its basically everywhere in my tank now, on every rock, pumps, between corals and even growing on snail shells
Ive been manually removing during water changes with small tubing to suck it all out but by the next week its back again. Pretty much at the point where im going to need to remove the rocks completely to get to it all.
To note, i have zero other algea to compete with it which im geussing is a bad thing. I only have two clowns so not really possible to over feed. Any ideas what i can do before I tear this aquascape down and cause myself an absolute headache?