Specifically if I have too much rock. The large formation in the center is a cave of sorts, it’s not just a pile of rocks, I’m not sure if that’s obvious. All told it’s 120lbs between the display, and there’s more in my sump (not pictured.)
All in, I have 86.5 gallons of water in the whole system, and I know I’m well above the “1lb per gallon” rule of thumb, but I really want to have ledges and caves and the like for fish to hide, if so inclined.
I’ve also built up higher than I have before, I’m not used to (and really not a fan of) working with the 90, and kind of regretting my purchase.
Inhabitants are:
Snowflake eel.
Starry blenny.
Coral beauty.
Yellow angelfish.
And some snails and hermits.
Open to additional stocking suggestions as well, though I had a mind to eventually add some combination of:
A fairy wrasse (leaning towards a blue side.)
A pair of clowns. (Really like the maroons but I’m leaning towards occ or perculas because I’m worried about them becoming terrors.)
A chromi or maybe an oddball damsel like a Surge or similar.
And maybe most controversially, either a bristletooth tang, such as a two spot or a white tail. This is the one I’m most concerned about, when it comes to available swimming space
A regal angel, which I understand would be larger but less in need of open space, being a more cryptic species. I see people say that a 90 is adequate for them, and he certainly wouldn’t suffer from lack of rock to peck at, I just feel hinky about a fish that large in this tank. Might be the bit that tears it into me getting a 6footer.
All were moved over from my 40breeder, with their rock scape (hence the varying levels of “newness” of rock. That one was a more minimal, “bommy” style scape and I might just be in my head but I’m worried about cutting off swimming space for my fish in the name of hiding places for the eel or perching places for the blenny.
Will eventually house corals, and I wanted to be mindful of differing heights and levels of light throughout the tank. Nothing is fixed, though the base pieces of each of the structures are buried under the sand so that I would hate to have to dig them out and move them. PVC run at the back isn’t going anywhere, my snowflake is a juvenile now, about 9ish inches, but he loves it in there, as does the coral beauty.
If there’s a good reason to remove some rock, I will. Still new to the ideas behind reef aquascaping vs heavily planted freshwater tanks. Will glue everything in place once I’m comfortable with it, but I like watching the animals interact with the scape before committing to it.
All in, I have 86.5 gallons of water in the whole system, and I know I’m well above the “1lb per gallon” rule of thumb, but I really want to have ledges and caves and the like for fish to hide, if so inclined.
I’ve also built up higher than I have before, I’m not used to (and really not a fan of) working with the 90, and kind of regretting my purchase.
Inhabitants are:
Snowflake eel.
Starry blenny.
Coral beauty.
Yellow angelfish.
And some snails and hermits.
Open to additional stocking suggestions as well, though I had a mind to eventually add some combination of:
A fairy wrasse (leaning towards a blue side.)
A pair of clowns. (Really like the maroons but I’m leaning towards occ or perculas because I’m worried about them becoming terrors.)
A chromi or maybe an oddball damsel like a Surge or similar.
And maybe most controversially, either a bristletooth tang, such as a two spot or a white tail. This is the one I’m most concerned about, when it comes to available swimming space
A regal angel, which I understand would be larger but less in need of open space, being a more cryptic species. I see people say that a 90 is adequate for them, and he certainly wouldn’t suffer from lack of rock to peck at, I just feel hinky about a fish that large in this tank. Might be the bit that tears it into me getting a 6footer.
All were moved over from my 40breeder, with their rock scape (hence the varying levels of “newness” of rock. That one was a more minimal, “bommy” style scape and I might just be in my head but I’m worried about cutting off swimming space for my fish in the name of hiding places for the eel or perching places for the blenny.
Will eventually house corals, and I wanted to be mindful of differing heights and levels of light throughout the tank. Nothing is fixed, though the base pieces of each of the structures are buried under the sand so that I would hate to have to dig them out and move them. PVC run at the back isn’t going anywhere, my snowflake is a juvenile now, about 9ish inches, but he loves it in there, as does the coral beauty.
If there’s a good reason to remove some rock, I will. Still new to the ideas behind reef aquascaping vs heavily planted freshwater tanks. Will glue everything in place once I’m comfortable with it, but I like watching the animals interact with the scape before committing to it.