looking for a colorful and fun fish


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May 4, 2024
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I have a 70 gallon Fowlr and am looking for a pretty, colorful fish to put in it.

Currently stocked with:

two Firefish gobies
Occelaris Clown
Blue spotted puffer
three yellow tailed damsels
Sleeper goldenheaded gobie
Clown tang ( yea, I know this guy will get WAY to big. thought it was a different fish when I bought it. Planning on rehoming it after it grows a bit)

Most of my fish seem to either hide al the time or aren't brightly colored. often when you glance at the tank it looks like just an empty tank with rocks and sand. I know that I'm the one that picked out the fish and brought them home so the blandness is my doing. I had a Coral beauty, but it got popeye and died after a month. looked at a flame angel, but have heard they are semi hard to keep. Love the Koran Angel, but unsure about the ease of keeping them.

Currently my fire fish spend most of the time hiding in a cave behind my rocks and only come out around 6pm as they know its close to feeding time.
Clown fish seems to stay in the back of the tank
Puffer swims all over and is cool and same with my clown tang, but they aren't really brightly colored. They tend to blend in with the rockwork and sand.
golden head goby is new so he is still getting used to the tank, hopefully he doesn't stay in the rock all the time.
My damsels though.... Bright blue with the yellow tails and they seem to swim around just above the rocks. Easy to see, colorful and bright.

So I'm looking for recommendations for something easy to keep that is pretty and bright that wont spend all day HIDING so that I can actually really enjoy watching the fish swim around my tank...

This is my first saltwater tank in about 20 years so assume I know nothing... don't really want to jump into corals just yet because Im sure at this point I would just kill them. But I really want some bright colorful fishies to watch!! Lol.


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Clown tangs can be one of the meanest nastiest fish though so you may have to remove it to add something else.

FYI flame angels are not hard to keep. So that would be an option imo. Main thing is you need to source healthy fish. They are definitely BRIGHT if that is what you are after.

Another suggestion would be a bright wrasse of some sort such as the Yellow Wrasse, Halichoeres chrysus.

Neither flame angels or yellow wrasses are hiders.


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I agree rehome the clown now. you're other fish will got out more. you're gonna do it anyway might as well do it now, so you can add more fish. while your at it get did of the damsels they can be jerks to.

then get your fav. Dwarf angel 2-3 smaller wrasses like the halichoeres ,flashers and ferries. that would not only look nice but bring a ton of movent to the tank.