It's been a while.... since I bumped this thread...
It's been a while.... since I bugged Adam....
It's been a while since I've seen... Actinics light my place
and it's been a while since I could dose calc
And everything I can remember
Messed up my entire tank!
The consequences of my dosing!
I've gone and OD'd alk again!!!
(No, really, I OD'd alk and lost everything, I'm an idiot, I lost an entire battlebox because I didn't doublecheck my math!)
Our Battlebox came yesterday and we're so happy with it!
The OCD organizer in me was obsessed with how Adam packaged the corals! I opened the box and was like, 'Say what?!'.
Included were:
Lemon Hammer
Ultimate Frag Sunrise
Miyagi Tort
Watermelon Stylo
BC Joker 2.0
Fox Flame
BC Efflo 2.0
Miss Scarlett
BC Rose Vine Table
BC Soft Sunset Milli
BC Pumpkin Pie Milli
I left it up to Adam to decide after we emailed back and forth on what we had in mind.
If anyone had some photos of these guys grown out, I would love to see them!
My photos of the corals are not so great (taking with my phone) so I didn't include them.