Here is the readings I got with the Parwise I just got this weekend. I read at surface and at the depth where the majority of the coral is at. The first two are at depth the first is the max I have the lights set to which is at around 1 to 2 pm. They are set to sunrise to sunset for my location and adjust for the time of years as to when the lights come on and go off. The second is with all at 100%. Now I have the max at 55% for the white lights. The others are lower depending on which ones. This is a DIY LED fixture. The third screenshot is with the lights at their normal max at the surface. The forth screenshot is with all lights at 100% at the surface. At this time the only coral I have is a Duncan colony and two Candy Cane colonies. They seem to be growing quite a bit. The last one is a photo of the corals without any filters on the camera.