5. Check out JBJ's Filtration Equipment (under the equipment tab on the menu bar). Were any of these products new to you? Which one interests you the most?
None of these were really new to me, but I do like how minimal the HOB filter is.
Official Entry: It'd be harder to explain why I wouldn't be excited to win this. For starters, I'm a huge AIO fan. I am not a DIYer, and I appreciate the modern, clean look of the AIO tanks (and so does my fiancée), which is why our current tank (a 13.5 Evo) is AIO. Second, I think the JBJ 45 gallon rimless flat panel is the perfect tank for us. We live in a condo in the city, so space is limited and it's important that a tank looks good in the room from an aesthetic standpoint. This 45 gallon AIO would look awesome in our space while being big enough to have a good range of livestock. It's the perfect tank for our situation.
Bonus 1: I actually have the C-Breeze nano. Our living room has big windows and sun coming from multiple directions. Even with the AC on, the summer sun causes temps in the tank to rise. The C-Breeze is low profile so it doesn't look clunky and it does a great job of helping to keep temps stable.
For the pumps and power heads , I like the Accela Powerhead , just a universal workhorse. Perfect in my opinion for Saltwater mixing , just drop it in a bucket and very reliable Powerhead
Bonus Entry 2: Like I said in my official entry, the the 45 gallon Rimless Flat Panel is perfect for our living room. But if I had to pick another one from their lineup, I'd grab a 25 gallon Rimless Flat Front for our office. It would look sleek in that space.
Bonus Entry 3: I'm well aware of JBJ's ATOs (and have owned several - great products), but I didn't know they made siphons. I've relied on really cheap, no-name Amazon versions so I'd really like to try one from real aquarium experts.
Official Entry: I love the size and the dual overflow- makes it easier for "heavy in- heavy out" that I'm trying to replicate on my current BioCube. I also want to get away from having the sump in the back (like my biocube) which is up against the wall and hard to get to for cleaning- this would make life much easier and cleaner. Plus all my gear should switch over just fine and I have a reason to tear down my tank for a new aquascape.
Bonus Entry 1: The TrueTemp Heater controller looks like it would be great for keeping a steady temp in my tank. Right now- the controller I have is part of the heater- and there is a +-2 degree variance- so this means my temps can swing by 4 degrees throughout the day- so this should also make reefing easier
Bonus Entry 1:
True Temp Heater
The reason I like it is because it claims to be "the most accurate and precise controller in the aquarium industry" and claims it has a "+/- 0.5 F accuracy, a calibration setting, smart memory chip"
Bonus Entry 3: I didn't know you had the AquaScraper variety- I like the different sizes because with my Biocube- the sides are not equal- so the smaller scraper looks great for those hard to reach areas when I don't feel like messing with my powerheads (if i even sneeze on the powerhead- my RBTA moves lol)
Bonus 3: Check out JBJ's Maintenance Equipment line up (under the equipment tab on the menu bar). Was there a product you weren't aware of? Which ones would you like to try out?