
Isaac Alves
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My new build...

I'm setting up this new build thread to cover my upgrade journey (and beyond) from my 70 gallon Artisan II Cadlight to my new CADE 1500s2 Peninsula that I picked up a la @AlgaeBarn a few weeks ago. I'll try to be as detailed as I hopefully was in my previous thread —which is almost 6 years old, maybe more?!!


- Isaac
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IMO, CADE is the best plug and play system I've seen on the market. You're gonna love it!

Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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I’ll start with the initial decision as to choosing Cade over other turn-key packages from other manufacturers.

Why upgrade? Well, my fish and coral were getting too big to maintain in the 70 gallon Cadlight aquarium. The fox face and yellow tang, now around 6+ years of age need more room and I’m more of a “fish person” than an all out “Coral only” reefer — I like recreating a psuedo biotope of sorts, even if the mixed reef I’ve put together are a mish-mash of coral species and fish from a variety of geographie — probably can’t say biotope.

With 6 years under my belt I know what I want.
  • Ease of maintenance — adding gear to help with water health and stability needed to be easier
  • I want as much inhabitable space as possible for the fish and coral
  • I want it to blend well in the living space
  • I want more access to the sump
  • I want better controller / component management
  • I want to feel more secure with the longevity of the glass and stand
  • I’m not brand loyal — just want longevity, proven quality and somewhat turnkey

About a year ago I started my search.

With the release of the Red Sea G2 systems I was excited to pull the trigger. There were two things that attracted me to the Red Sea tank: First, the use of armored seams was brilliant; I use a Tunze Care Magnet and I love it because it rarely ever gives me “sand” issues but I’m always worried about cutting into the seams; Second, the unit was built to allow the Red Sea Fleece roller to drop right in—- I needed a new method of export so that I’m not reliant on house sitters if I’m going out of town for just a few days. And the Red Sea ReefMat was the only Fleece roller that appeared done-and-done out of the box. But after weeks of reading and watching reviews or owners talking about the Red Sea tanks I started losing my enthusiasm for certain important elements; like the Red Sea stand itself — the use of odd wording in their marketing materials regarding the material was not helping me feel confident. And then, as I spent more time trying to understand the diaphragm style valve I ended up not feeling good about the plumbing setup; again, I didn’t want to do more work than I needed to.

I went away from the Red Sea and started really looking at the WaterBox Infinia line and the Cade S2 line.

These two systems had aluminum stands, well thought out sumps and a controller/power wall built in. I didn’t want a secondary box/cabinet, like I do now, to house the nest of electronics. Most importantly, if my Cadlight stand has lasted this long I want this next stand to last 3x as long - at least that was my guiding principle in looking at new tank options. NOTE: I did not want to go custom, e.g. Glass cages, Visio, etc., because I didn’t have the energy or time to truly plan it out from the ground up. I wanted a solid foundation and just drop-in updated components or repurpose what I was already using.

The big sale.

@AlgaeBarn had a summer Cade sales campaign. I was initially worried that this was an inventory dump but they weren’t really discounting the aquarium and, I was happy with the current offerings. And surprisingly, the value of the amount of rock being shipped, plus live sand, etc., is a solid deal. Algaebarn also seems to have good customer service — those two things are really what pushed me toward Cade systems. Well, also, I was in line trying to get a WaterBox Infinia for a few weeks before the Algaebarn sale but was never fast enough to grab one when stock trickled in.

So lucky for me or Algaebarn?
Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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The Shipment

Shipping was fast. I think in a matter of 3 days + 1 week I had my system at my home stored in the garage.

So shipping times are fast. At least for me they were. But there were issues with the shipment which I’ll go through here so others know how best to order this specific tank from @AlgaeBarn.

The aquarium comes crated in a two-crate stacked pallet.


This is the worst way to ship this package. Why it wasn’t separated before ground shipment I don’t understand. Or why was it delivered like this at all? The crates are immensely heavy and separating them takes effort, logistics. The tools to do this quickly and cheaply would have been at the Colorado origination point or at the destination hub before delivery to a residential location. Leaving the job of separating the crates to home aquarists is just risking major damage — but what I found was that it also increases the chances of damage in shipment.

In delivery you can see that the crates were not stacked properly:


The top crate holds the stand and sump. The bottom crate holds the tank itself. The weight of the top crate along with the rocking and rolling somewhere in the shipping line caused the top crate to shift location and break through into the bottom crate — which holds the tank.




Luckily there was only damage to the screen top, and @AlgaeBarn support is sending me a new one to replace the damaged frame and screen. Luckily the glass was not damaged. But the aluminum overflow box corners were scuffed and the black paint scratched off the corners.

Definitely not a good start to my Cade experience.

My advice to anyone purchasing this aquarium from Algaebarn would be to demand that it not be delivered stacked. This would help them as well in limiting damage during transit.
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Top Shelf Aquatics
Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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I recorded the unloading of the crates from the truck to my driveway. The delivery guy had some skills but I was still crossing my fingers that the crates don’t topple. It sure looked like the crates were going over a couple times.

The company Cade used was Estes Express — unfortunately, my experience trying to speak to people at the company or even trying to schedule the delivery was just impossible. Every time I called someone would pick up and then hang up. Only real way to get an idea about location status was going to the Estes Express website and searching using the BOL number. Even then it’s by no means as sophisticated as an Amazon delivery, which I did not expect, but at least give me a window. Instead you get a phone call the morning ‘of’ telling you when it’ll arrive that day.

I suppose I was hoping Cade or Algaebarn would track and notify customers about actual time of delivery, etc. — it’s not a cheap purchase, and customers should be prepared.

Now, to be fair, Cade does send you directions and pictures of what to do, and what to expect, when you get the delivery — They do this through Algaebarn support email.

The part you need to really pay attention to and follow is this snippet from the email:

Upon receiving your CADE Aquarium, please immediately and carefully inspect your delivery for ANY shipping damages that could have occurred in-transit. Attached are photos of how your shipment should look, the crates are stacked tank crate on the bottom , stand crate on the top. We build out a custom pallet to hold the crates and make them easier for the shipping companies to pick up; if there is any damage AT ALL to any pieces of the shipment Please take photos and note ANY and all issues on the delivery paperwork, take a picture of the delivery paperwork, only then sign and accept delivery. DO NOT feel pressured to sign before all of these steps are complete!

Inspect for external damage first; torn areas, damaged edges or holes in the aquarium crate and/or the stand crate. Please also open the top of the aquarium crate and the top of the stand crate to inspect for internal damages, such as shattered or chipped glass. We understand that a portion of the inspection may not be able to be accomplished until you are able to un-stack the crates. Please do your best to inspect the outside when they arrive, and then un stack and inspect when you are able.

If damages are found, please take photos AND NOTE ANY AND ALL ISSUES on the delivery paperwork, and accept the delivery. Report any damages inside the crates within 48 hours of receiving the shipment, with pictures of the damage. If there is damage do NOT dispose of the crate before taking pictures and checking with us first!

Move your tank as close to the area where it will be installed in the crate, and be sure to inspect as you are opening the sides to prepare to remove the tank. Once the tank has been removed from the crate we are no longer able to honor damages under the shipping guarantee.

Make sure to note any all dings, scratches and dents on the crates BEFORE signing the delivery paperwork.
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Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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How to separate stacked crates.

…Figuring out how to separate the crates so that I could open them up and check for damage was not fun. It goes back to the whole notion to make things easier for the customer…and this dilemma was not easy—-at least to me.

I initially called as many aquarium services and LFS locations in the Orange County area of Southern California. But no one wanted to provide services to help me decouple this behemoth-sized box of toys. I was really surprised how much no service wanted to help — then I wasn’t surprised. Came down to liability, and that makes sense. Again, goes back to why would you deliver a purchase like this in a stacked configuration.

The weights and sizes were not small:

Tank (w/ crate) dimensions: 75x36x35
Tank (w/ crate) weight: ~644 lbs

Stand (w/ crate) dimensions: 75x36x48
Stand (w/ crate) weight: ~512 lbs.

So keeping those numbers in mind (as well as the fact that Cade stands use glass on all their doors) you understand why I was hesitant to have just some neighbor buds over to help move. But also, how can we move the top crate first up, then over, and finally rest it on the ground. I had barely 12” of clearance above the top crate, in my case. Anyways, I’m harping a lot on this but it seemed daunting and was a major stress.

So now I’m sitting down staring at this metal and wood double double…


Somehow the idea of Cleopatra being carried on the shoulders of her servants came to mind.

So I cleared the area….


Ok. I can get 2x4s underneath the top crate and with enough man power maybe we can simply move it laterally. Then rest it on the floor or on some bricks or something.

Cleopatra was around 500lbs right?

I don’t think she was a heavy set person, but neither was this crate.


As you can see above we were able to easily lift it up and move it gently to the ground. Took 5 guys— 2 on either side of the crate holding on to 2x4s on edge, and one guy moving the bricks into place so we can rest the crate down without smashing our precious fingers. The stacked wooden slats on the base of the top crate are nailed to it so they couldn’t be removed…and they don’t need to be.

In any case, that was no 500 lbs.

The tank is a different story. The glass tank is heavy. And I mean HEAVY. I don’t know what I was expecting but that thing is way heavier than it looked when I finally got to uncrating.

Just be aware. I still wished I got a service to help with this move into the living room. They may have had a hydraulic cart or simply more guys.

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Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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The Inspection.

I was expecting two things:
  1. The possibility of damage (because how it got delivered)
  2. That Cade aquariums are made with pristine care and Apple-like attention to detail. I don’t know why I thought this but that was the impression I had in my head.

The stand had manufacturing/shipping quality control issues….

  1. The power center door was not attached to the frame
  2. The power center door stop was not attached to the base of the cabinet and loose screws were present…also, the builders put three holes when the door stop only needs one.
  3. I found loose hinge parts inside the power center compartment
  4. The (latex) black coating on the power center front door was missing a good size chunk. I think from the door flopping around in shipping. Unfortunately this is front and center and is a terrible aesthetic defect
  5. One screw was drilled through the aluminum and poking slantedly into the power center
  6. The Door at the front end of the stand was also not attached and was missing the screw and locking ring to attach it to the railing
  7. There are scuffs on the frame which were probably due to the loose doors, screws and the crate being cockeyed sitting on the bottom crate rocking around

Here’s a pic of the stand. I carefully removed all of the doors because they are glass and I didn’t feel comfortable moving this thing with those doors on —the magnets holding the doors to the stand are not strong enough to hold the weight of the doors if the stand is not upright. The doors will definitely fly open if you tilt the stand. I would suggest removing the doors, or wrapping the stand with plastic to keep everything closed and tight when you move it.


Note that @AlgaeBarn has already notified me of their intent to send me replacement parts that were damaged. I hope to get these soon.


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Algae Barn needs to send you some free goods to make up for the headache they've caused. I suppose at this point if the frame itself can support the tank I'd call it a win. Have you been able to examine the tank yet?
Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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Algae Barn needs to send you some free goods to make up for the headache they've caused. I suppose at this point if the frame itself can support the tank I'd call it a win. Have you been able to examine the tank yet

The tank is fine, fortunately. At least looking at it closely it seems fine. The only damage was to the screen and frame on the back right corner where the top crate crushed into the bottom crate. The screen is torn and the frame was bent into the tank,

Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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Instead of hiring movers or an aquarium service i decided to spend the money on my own tools.

Guerrilla cart—-worked out great for the stand:


IMT 10” glass suction cup glass lifter —- a must for moving the tank. I took a chance with these suction cups off of Amazon. I made sure to get 10” cups with metal pumps and handle. They had decent reviews and a holding force of 265lbs each.

I purchased four of them and they worked perfectly. Still scary the first time you lift.


The suction cups and the Guerrilla cart was a great combo, along with four dads and two wives.

We got the tank and stand in what could be its permanent location.


Isaac Alves

Isaac Alves
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At least the tank itself is ok. It looks awesome.
It is definitely a beautiful tank. The white glass at the bottom, the weight of the tank, and the clarity of the glass...but the most impressive part are the clear silicone seams. I can honestly say, regardless of all the QC issues with the stand, the tank silicone craftsmenship is the best I've ever seen.
Top Shelf Aquatics
Isaac Alves

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Check out all of the plumbing parts that came with the Aquarium. I’ve laid it out to make sure I got everything. It’s all very nice plumbing.


The manifold ball valves and the Main return’s gate valve feel very heavy duty. The connections look and feel sturdy and solid. The gaskets are thick; not like the ones I’ve gotten with bulkheads off of Amazon. So far, this plumbing assortment is living up to what I expected.





Except the steel hose clamps. Uh…that’s definitely not going in my tank— unless these have some Titanium-like saltwater immunity power. These are getting replaced with nylon double toothed clamps.


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Isaac Alves

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I’m going to put a Red Sea ReefMat 1200 for filtration so I’ll need to see what weird measurements these fittings need.

This also means I’m going to be modifying the sump a bit. But the layout is pretty straight forward.



Isaac Alves

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I wanted to show some of the QC issues on the stand. These have all been address by Algaebarn support and I’m happy. But just to show what to look out for:

Scuffs, scratches and nics:





This is probably the worst nic:


A lot of this is definitely from the doors coming off in shipment.

But also this bad assembly job…look at that screw ripping through both the aluminum frame and the pvc wall:



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Anymore we have to go over everything with a fine toothed comb because the workmanship often leaves a lot to be desired. Shipping can also inflict damage. That doesn't just go for tanks and stands but all the equipment we mail order.

I am glad Algae Barn did right by you. They are on my short list to order from. There are quite a few things I'll need within the next few months after all.

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  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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