Is my Bubble Tip Anemone dying?


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Jan 25, 2020
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yeah i tried to get a rbta and i have a current usa light and i am actually thinking of upgrading because i heard nems like light ranging from 200-350 par if im correct and that light just was not good enough for me and it was a rookie mistake buying one in the first place for me
Top Shelf Aquatics


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yeah i tried to get a rbta and i have a current usa light and i am actually thinking of upgrading because i heard nems like light ranging from 200-350 par if im correct and that light just was not good enough for me and it was a rookie mistake buying one in the first place for me
I have an AI Prime and my nem loves it. Not a very expensive light like 2-300$


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yeah if i am going to upgrade which i want to upgrade and prob will upgrade i will redo everything and get nice equipment and lights and what not so if i get a waterbox ill get the ai or if im doing something else im just going to use a reef breeder and use my current light as a sump light
Nutramar Foods


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yeah if i am going to upgrade which i want to upgrade and prob will upgrade i will redo everything and get nice equipment and lights and what not so if i get a waterbox ill get the ai or if im doing something else im just going to use a reef breeder and use my current light as a sump light
i said that i was thinking of upgrading to a reef breeder photon 24 v2


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I have been reading up on the photon and they seem really good. The programming seems a little hard for someone like me that don't know much about programming. Do you know anything more about them ? Do they have preset programs ?
Thanks for giving the brand out seems like a great light in my price range


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I bought a small bubble tip Anemone Friday 6/12/20. It looked good in the store; vibrant colors, holding on the container. It was about the size of a half dollar. When I brought it home I immediately began in-the-bag acclimation over the course of an hour and a half. It was open and sticking to the side of the bag when I finished acclimating. I put on a glove and gently released it from the side of the bag and held it to a rock in my tank. It grabbed on quickly, after maybe a few seconds, and appeared to be doing okay. An hour or so later I noticed it was about half it's size. The next morning (Saturday) it appeared to open up a bit more. Later that night it had expanded to about 4x the size it was originally. The next morning (Sunday) it had shriveled and receded into the rock crevice. Later that day it came out a bit more. That night it started doing something strange. It expanded and it's mouth seemed to inflate. When I put a light on it, it tried to close but the open mouth kept it from closing completely (attaching a video of this if I can). The next morning (Monday) I couldn't find the anemone at all and assumed that it'd receded completely into the rock crevice. Later that day I decided to check the rest of the tank just to be sure. After moving rocks and coral around, I found the anemone low at the back of the tank hanging on to a rock. It was semi closed with its tentacles small and it has essentially been that way for the last few days (can't get a picture of it where it is now). Before today, I knew it was still alive because every time I'd shine the light on it back there it would move but today when I shined the light on it, it wasn't moving much. The tank parameters are still good and there is no milky hue in the water so I'm not sure whether it's dead or not or if it's in the process of dying.

Tank Details:
My tank is 36 gallons with 40 lbs live rock, a hang on back filter and refugium. It is four and a half months old. I have a firefish, clown fish, Mandarin dragonette, yellow watchman goby, pistol shrimp, and peppermint shrimp. There are also a few hermit crabs, two Mexican turbos nails, five zebra turbo snails, two LPS frags, one SPS frag, one Zoa frag, and Pulsing Xenia.
Parameters as of today:
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 20 ppm (this is normal for my tank)
Phosphate: 0 ppm
Calcium: 480 ppm
Alkalinity: 12° dKHView attachment 1635197View attachment 1635199View attachment 1635197View attachment 1635199View attachment 1635197View attachment 1635199View attachment 1635200
View attachment 1635202
BTA are not for a Rookie New aquarium setup. Long tentacle anemones are far more forgiving, then the BTA. That tend to have the habit of Always inflating. When water conditions are not too it's liking, also water parameters. If you have a algae bloom Diatoms. And also have a aclimating BTA releasing zooanthallaes it increases phosphate levels. That are toxic. To the Bubble Tip. And small water changes will not solve the problem. Also sand is not for beginner Reefers. Best to use gravel and only so much. The BTA is for experienced reefers. That has all the right setups and equipments. If someone tries to sale you one, do not buy. It will ruin your whole tank. Stick to fish and other small invertebrates. Stay away from BTA till you can run your whole tank with sump and auto top off.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%