Is my Bubble Tip Anemone dying?


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I bought a small bubble tip Anemone Friday 6/12/20. It looked good in the store; vibrant colors, holding on the container. It was about the size of a half dollar. When I brought it home I immediately began in-the-bag acclimation over the course of an hour and a half. It was open and sticking to the side of the bag when I finished acclimating. I put on a glove and gently released it from the side of the bag and held it to a rock in my tank. It grabbed on quickly, after maybe a few seconds, and appeared to be doing okay. An hour or so later I noticed it was about half it's size. The next morning (Saturday) it appeared to open up a bit more. Later that night it had expanded to about 4x the size it was originally. The next morning (Sunday) it had shriveled and receded into the rock crevice. Later that day it came out a bit more. That night it started doing something strange. It expanded and it's mouth seemed to inflate. When I put a light on it, it tried to close but the open mouth kept it from closing completely (attaching a video of this if I can). The next morning (Monday) I couldn't find the anemone at all and assumed that it'd receded completely into the rock crevice. Later that day I decided to check the rest of the tank just to be sure. After moving rocks and coral around, I found the anemone low at the back of the tank hanging on to a rock. It was semi closed with its tentacles small and it has essentially been that way for the last few days (can't get a picture of it where it is now). Before today, I knew it was still alive because every time I'd shine the light on it back there it would move but today when I shined the light on it, it wasn't moving much. The tank parameters are still good and there is no milky hue in the water so I'm not sure whether it's dead or not or if it's in the process of dying.

Tank Details:
My tank is 36 gallons with 40 lbs live rock, a hang on back filter and refugium. It is four and a half months old. I have a firefish, clown fish, Mandarin dragonette, yellow watchman goby, pistol shrimp, and peppermint shrimp. There are also a few hermit crabs, two Mexican turbos nails, five zebra turbo snails, two LPS frags, one SPS frag, one Zoa frag, and Pulsing Xenia.
Parameters as of today:
pH: 7.8
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 20 ppm (this is normal for my tank)
Phosphate: 0 ppm
Calcium: 480 ppm
Alkalinity: 12° dKH

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It ain't dead til its dead and it's still holding onto the rock so no worries.
Next time no need for drip acclimation, just temp acclimate and release.
Don't feed it for a week.
Let it do its thing. Nems are weird. Don't let it freak you out. Just go with it.
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It ain't dead til its dead and it's still holding onto the rock so no worries.
Next time no need for drip acclimation, just temp acclimate and release.
Don't feed it for a week.
Let it do its thing. Nems are weird. Don't let it freak you out. Just go with it.
Thank you! I'll just let it be for now then
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Glass Algae

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It died a couple days ago.
Sorry to revive this but I've heard that orbit LEDs were not powerful enough for a nem unless it's a rfa or something. I bought one myself hoping to host a nem and didn't realize till big Al's pets uploaded their next video that I guess he misspoke and that light will not host a nem :/ sorry about your nemmie


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My current orbit light supported my 2 rose nems when I was still running them. Softys were all they would support... Sorry to hear about your nem not making it... Better luck next time...


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Sorry to revive this but I've heard that orbit LEDs were not powerful enough for a nem unless it's a rfa or something. I bought one myself hoping to host a nem and didn't realize till big Al's pets uploaded their next video that I guess he misspoke and that light will not host a nem :/ sorry about your nemmie
I don't have orbit lights but I would get a Par meter and check your par so you know for sure.
Just FYi and this is only me. When asking for help people are eager to jump in and help you because this community is so great. However, try to take picture without so much blue so we can get a clearer or more accurate picture of what you are trying to show. Thanks.


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Nems change the water inside them because they need to balance the salt inside them with the salt outside of them. It’s an osmosis thing. I would definitely suggest with your next one to just temp acclimate and throw it in because when you keep changing the salinity through a drip it’s forced to intake and expel water over and over again which exhausts the anemone, sometimes to the point of death depending on how long the drip was. Definitely try again, nems are great to have and I love all of mine dearly! It’s important to get your nem before filling your tank with coral that the nem could potentially sting and kill while trying to find a happy place to live.

Glass Algae

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Nems change the water inside them because they need to balance the salt inside them with the salt outside of them. It’s an osmosis thing. I would definitely suggest with your next one to just temp acclimate and throw it in because when you keep changing the salinity through a drip it’s forced to intake and expel water over and over again which exhausts the anemone, sometimes to the point of death depending on how long the drip was. Definitely try again, nems are great to have and I love all of mine dearly! It’s important to get your nem before filling your tank with coral that the nem could potentially sting and kill while trying to find a happy place to live.
Does this acclimation advice go for Rock flowers and carpets?

Reef Racket

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Nems change the water inside them because they need to balance the salt inside them with the salt outside of them. It’s an osmosis thing. I would definitely suggest with your next one to just temp acclimate and throw it in because when you keep changing the salinity through a drip it’s forced to intake and expel water over and over again which exhausts the anemone, sometimes to the point of death depending on how long the drip was. Definitely try again, nems are great to have and I love all of mine dearly! It’s important to get your nem before filling your tank with coral that the nem could potentially sting and kill while trying to find a happy place to live.

sorry for also bring up this thread again but my first anems are on the way...
i have two bta anems coming tomorrow! ill be trying out the acclimation you mentioned... any other advice to get ready for these?


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sorry for also bring up this thread again but my first anems are on the way...
i have two bta anems coming tomorrow! ill be trying out the acclimation you mentioned... any other advice to get ready for these?
Cover your powerheads, and don’t freak out :). Nems are not for the faint of heart they’re gonna do some weird stuff the first couple days or even couple weeks just let it happen they’re probably okay. They’re gonna walk around, shrivel up, bubble, get stringy, maybe even have a gaping mouth. As long as their foot is securely on something and theres not mensenterial filaments (looks like white worms) you’re okay :)

Reef Racket

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Cover your powerheads, and don’t freak out :). Nems are not for the faint of heart they’re gonna do some weird stuff the first couple days or even couple weeks just let it happen they’re probably okay. They’re gonna walk around, shrivel up, bubble, get stringy, maybe even have a gaping mouth. As long as their foot is securely on something and theres not mensenterial filaments (looks like white worms) you’re okay :)
thanks!! i actually just made a thread for any and all advice on these guys as i want to get it right the first time! i have the mp10's with the foam cover i think that will work?


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thanks!! i actually just made a thread for any and all advice on these guys as i want to get it right the first time! i have the mp10's with the foam cover i think that will work?
Yeah that’s great

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