Is it better to run lights at lower par for longer periods or a 12 hour with 2 hour ramps up and down? Please share Noopsyche k7 11 scheules!

nano reef

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Hi reefing friends!
I am wanting to change from LPS mode (noopsyche k7 11) but petrified I will loose some coarls. I have talked to a few people that are running 14 plus hours on the @noopsyches

I was wanting to get back to my old schedule (long story as to why I changed it) I had a 2 hour ramp up and down mostly low blues then I ran 8 hours of 12 w 72 blues and uv and o red and green Now running noopsyche LPS setting as follows
0.01 (not sure what that time is but noop sent me this schedule
0 0 0 0 0
w b b uv r/g

0.01 0 0 0 0 0
0900 0 10 10 10 2
1000 1 30 30 5 2
1100 3 60 60 9 0
1800 1 50 50 5 0
1900 1 50 50 3 0
23:59 0 0 0 0 0

I hope y'all can make sense of that.

Now that I have a par meter I am finding out par is much lower then I though and a lot of my lps are in 80 par and 70 par. I also hate that the ramp down from 1900 to 2359 has tank with white and shuts off with whites as well so I dont get any viewing time with the low blues and color pop!

I really want to change it but I am not sure if I should just bump up the numbers a little and change the last two set points. You would think it would ramp down with blue but I guess since the set point before the shut off has 1 percent white so maybe thats what stopping it from looking blue!

When I first switched to LPS I had some corals die but I was also sick as a dog and in hospital and down over a month so might not have been the lights!

Unforuately a company that has owed me corals for years is going to be sending soon! Trying to stall a few weeks more!

I would love to see some k7 11 schedules and advice on what to do!



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Hi reefing friends!
I am wanting to change from LPS mode (noopsyche k7 11) but petrified I will loose some coarls. I have talked to a few people that are running 14 plus hours on the @noopsyches

I was wanting to get back to my old schedule (long story as to why I changed it) I had a 2 hour ramp up and down mostly low blues then I ran 8 hours of 12 w 72 blues and uv and o red and green Now running noopsyche LPS setting as follows
0.01 (not sure what that time is but noop sent me this schedule
0 0 0 0 0
w b b uv r/g

0.01 0 0 0 0 0
0900 0 10 10 10 2
1000 1 30 30 5 2
1100 3 60 60 9 0
1800 1 50 50 5 0
1900 1 50 50 3 0
23:59 0 0 0 0 0

I hope y'all can make sense of that.

Now that I have a par meter I am finding out par is much lower then I though and a lot of my lps are in 80 par and 70 par. I also hate that the ramp down from 1900 to 2359 has tank with white and shuts off with whites as well so I dont get any viewing time with the low blues and color pop!

I really want to change it but I am not sure if I should just bump up the numbers a little and change the last two set points. You would think it would ramp down with blue but I guess since the set point before the shut off has 1 percent white so maybe thats what stopping it from looking blue!

When I first switched to LPS I had some corals die but I was also sick as a dog and in hospital and down over a month so might not have been the lights!

Unforuately a company that has owed me corals for years is going to be sending soon! Trying to stall a few weeks more!

I would love to see some k7 11 schedules and advice on what to do!

What they sent sort of looks wrong.. but ??
Think the first one is 0:01
a lot of programs seem to have issues w/ like 24:00 and 0:00 which you don't have but thought I'd mention it.
There are bunches of programs out there...

And according to it I do not understand why you have such a white period from 19:00 to 23:59.
1, 50,50,3,0 is darn blue..and you ramp down to off for 5 hours?

As to long photo periods at lower intensity vs shorter at higher intensity pushes the DLI concept (Daily light integral in horticulture).
You can search for it in regards to corals.
Its not exactly "solid" as to the effects afaict.
and there is something to be said for coloration and intensity that sort of isn't taken into account.


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I like to blast my corals with light for 8 hours, then fill the remaining 4 ours with dimmer light. Total 12 hour light.
nano reef

nano reef

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What they sent sort of looks wrong.. but ??
Think the first one is 0:01
a lot of programs seem to have issues w/ like 24:00 and 0:00 which you don't have but thought I'd mention it.
There are bunches of programs out there...

And according to it I do not understand why you have such a white period from 19:00 to 23:59.
1, 50,50,3,0 is darn blue..and you ramp down to off for 5 hours?

As to long photo periods at lower intensity vs shorter at higher intensity pushes the DLI concept (Daily light integral in horticulture).
You can search for it in regards to corals.
Its not exactly "solid" as to the effects afaict.
and there is something to be said for coloration and intensity that sort of isn't taken into account.

I have no idea what I am running! Thats the schedule I recieved from the china noopsyche. Usa is no longer around and I could never get them to tell me what it was. I have no idea what will happen if I change it not even knowing if that schedule is right! I was hoping some noopsyche users running that schedule would chime in! I sure appreciate that you did though!

What the heck is 0.01 anyway It should all be 4 digits right? Seems like it might mean 12.01 am but why If My next time is 9am and not supposed to cut off until 1 minute until midnight! It overlapping if thats 12 am! I do know that lots of lights have to be set as 23:59 if you want to end at midnight and I remember them telling me long ago that It had to be that way because the running hours had to be the same day and setting it at 0000 would have the last time set on another day!

When it shuts off the tanks looks very whiteish to me I comes with low blues. Would the last setting before cut off at 1900 or 7 pm run the exact same b4 cut off or would it be ramping down from that number?
I also have auqatic life edge strip light on my 20 aio and the same thing is going on almost! Its a wierd schedule that runs even longer. There preset are by regions of the world. I set mine at great barrier reef and its doing the same but opposite lol . It comes on with bright white and shuts off with a super long ramp down runs 18 hours!
I freaking just dropped my meter in the tanks and its broke OMG!

I was scared to change before because of the crazy long program and now I have no idea.

Its soaking in rice like a wet cell phone so I sure hope its dries it! I just bought it a few months ago too!
I am one unlucky person lol.

I will l checkout some of those lightening articles.

How do u bump a post. Just type BUMP I want to hear from some noopsyche people! lol

Appreciate your help!
nano reef

nano reef

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I like to blast my corals with light for 8 hours, then fill the remaining 4 ours with dimmer light. Total 12 hour light.
Yeah. That what I was doing before but couldnt remebr my setting when I got septic and crazy sick and somehow lost the program I cant get any answers from people running these except a few youtubes and they run them a long time too!