I've been out of the hobby for a couple years now. I kept a lot of my equipment and have finally decided it's time to jump back in. I started with the Innovative Marine Nuvo 20 AIO and have now upgraded it to the Innovative Marine Lagoon 50 AIO.
. 2 Radion XR15 Blue Gen5
. XHO Light Strips
. Overflow caddy with ChemiPure Blue and filter floss
. ApexEL & WMX module
. Trident
. Innovative Marine Skimmer
. Innovative Marine Grow Light
. Hang Off Back Refugium
. Three MP10s
. Maxspect BioBricks
. Innovative Marine Return Pump
. 150 Watt Heaters (2)
. Fan
Fish List:
. Gem Tang
. Desjardini SailfinTang
. Splendid Fairy Wrasse
. Dusky Wrase
. Two Mocha Storm Clownfish
. Hermits, trochus and conch
. Urchin and sand sifting starfish
. Couple torches
. Couple tester SPS ( birdsnest and PC Rainbow)
. Blasto
Aquascape is pretty minimalist...
Please enjoy the progress and I always welcome any feedback. Thank you.
Which mount did you use for the lights? Also, where'd you find the fans and how to they secure to the mount/tank? Would like to do something similar in this build...
Build Thread - Innovative Marine Nuvo-Int 50 build
Hello reefers, my daughter and grandchildren really enjoy my tank while visiting. They've decided they want to start a tank of their own. We started out considering smaller cubes with a simple hang on back skimmer and basic marine light. My son-in-law chimed in he had always wanted a...