I use Sera's liquid test kitsNitrite is irrelevant in salt tanks and not necessary to test for it. Ammonia and nitrates are all you test for when starting the tank. After that you need to test other parameters weekly such as phosphate. Monthly check calcium and magnesium...etc... make sure you get good test kits like Hanna.
I understood the concept but my worry was regarding the quarantine tank as it is likely hard to keep ammonia in control without cycled media/(and I guess liverocks here), at least it is in freshwater as we always aim 0. I watched a saltwater qt tank video and as I guessed, it is frequent testing and water changes to keep ammonia in check in case of having an uncycled fish qt tank. That was my main concern, a fish spending time in a qt for a month being exposed to ammonia and having no biofilter in its tank
Yes. Even at home, in one of my tanks a plant may thrive and die on another. You never know.I literally read forums for a year before I started my own marine tank.
You are correct. Everyone has their own opinion.
And you’re going to have to make up your own mind about what you think will work for you.
I guarantee that two people could set up identical tanks and one would be successful and the other a failure.
No one knows.
It’s great to research first. But in the end you have to do what you think makes the most sense.
Some things will work out. Some may not. Either way, don’t give up and keep going.
Success breeds confidence.
Good luck.
I will take my time to read and search A LOT. Ive started going over the recommended videos today under this topic.
Let's see how it will go
That moment will come, when you realise that salt and fresh have only glass and water and in common, and not much else lol. Many of us have been there.
and when the salt gets in your blood, many of those FW tanks will slowly transform into salt tanks lol
Well I don't think I will be able to do that, even if I wanted to . Besides me loving my freshwater tanks, they also seem more budget friendly overall. I can take a cutting and plant on another tank easily. I can use many sponge filters in my tanks with with one main air pump or so. Cheap lights are good enough to keep a low tech going. I love the jungle look and how peaceful those greens feel. Also, having fry is fun. Growing them, naming them, these are all very fun to me. Also Im a HUGE snail guy. I looove snails. I should check reef safe snails in depth further!
Reef tanks look insane. But I bet I would rather have a single beautiful one with decent investment rather than multiple tanks as there are many limiting factors for me to find myself having many tanks later on. But I watched some maintenance videos, and they seem to require much more time investment compared to fw tanks. That itself would be limiting for me
Thanks for your msg!