I conclude the exact opposite, make no mistake, BRS is a business, their goal is to sell to you with the greatest profit margin. When companies offer better wholesale savings coupled with MAP pricing, it's only smart to push products with the biggest profit margin... unfortunately we as consumers don't want to know about the underbelly of the industry, our intentions are to allow companies like them to tell us what we want.I see this a little differently.. I might not 100% agree with all their recommendations but to me this seems more of a desire from BRS to genuinely help Reefers by recommending products they feel work the best.
As a general rule it makes no economic sense for a business to promote or push a particular product. I was in sales my whole life and now that I’m retired I help my daughter with trade shows for her business, we will typically have upwards of 50 items on display and we really want/need to sell them all so I’m not going to stand there and tell someone to only buy a particular item but of course If someone asks I will always try to give my honest recommendations and of course there are exceptions such as sales or overstock conditions which may require temporary promotions or a little extra “hype” to help move a item.
One can argue that they do more good for the hobby as a whole, but there's a reason why certain products get pushed more than others... and that's not by mistake. Make a video sprinkle in some common sense facts and lace the rest with opinion or pseudo science, consumers don't know the difference and we have products flying off the shelves.
Marketing... you got to love it.