My mixed reef tank is two and a half years old. I started it with caribsea life rock and it seemed to take over a year until the tank really stabilized, but that's another story. I started taking pictures of the reef and keeping them in a log. The log has been a good tool for me and I know lots of reefers keep them. My goniopora and slow burn montipora have been battling over space lately with a goniopora winning the battle. I slightly adjusted the two of them to give them a little more space and looked back to see when I added the Slow Burn. It was 6 months ago. I'm looking at the photograph amazed at the amount of growth of that coral. This thread isn't about bragging over coral growth, which I know many can, it's more about the shock of seeing how much growth happened over a 6-month period without really noticing. If it weren't for the photographs I would have never really known. This is while getting stung constantly under an AI Prime at a modified Saxby schedule.