I think I poisoned myself, help


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Jun 9, 2019
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HI. I am, by every definition of the word, a total noob. I've had my first ever salt tank running for a month now and today I bought my first ever corals, 3 zoa frags from my LFS. I brought em home, did my daily water change, and then prepared to dip them. I put on nitrile gloves, a KN95 mask with another mask over it, and some lab goggles from my chem lab a few years ago, and I opened my window slightly (I did Not turn on the fan, mistake #1 I believe). I bought a single packet of coral RX and poured it into the gallon of water from my tank (as recommended) and then added the frags one by one, pouring them into the mixture. The packet said to swirl them for 5 minutes, so I did. I put the lid on the bucket and swished but I stopped to check on them. It is here when I think things started to take a turn. One of the zoas had come off the frag plug. (I have confirmed it was just the glue and not damage to the tissue). I panicked, but didnt do anything and kept swishing for the rest of the 5 minutes. It is here that I think I made my grave mistake. After the dip, I grabbed each coral one by one and moved them to another container with saltwater from my aquarium. I did not keep them submerged when doing this. I swirled them in the new container and then set them in the tank. The one without a frag plug I just set down gently, I might get glue for it tomorrow and glue it back onto the plug. I carefully removed and threw away my gloves and then washed my hands probably at least 10 times with hand and dish soap, making sure to get my full arm. My arm became slightly itchy but it mightve just been from the cold of the water. I took a shower, scrubbing my arms more with the soap several times before getting out. Since then, I have had chest pains and issues, dizziness, nausea, and just generally feeling ill. the dizziness and ill feeling have gotten worse. I've been drinking lots of water and consulting my friend who is the assistant manager for the saltwater section at my LFS. She says I'm fine and that I just need to wait it out. I'm a generally anxious person and so at first I thought I might just be psyching myself out but now I'm not so sure. It's become harder to concentrate just since I started typing this. If anyone has any advice or tips I would really really appreciate it.
I've done some pretty stupid stuff with zoas and never had any ill effects besides me overreacting
Nutramar Foods


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Not hit or miss when you mess with them. The toxin is a defense mechanism so they only use it when stressed obviously.

Anyway I’m done here and I’ll leave with my awesome gif, tired of the continued overreaction of todays pansy generation lolol
Same people that take a hit of reefer for the first time and go to the hospital


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freaking out GIF
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If you were to be poisoned by palys, you’d be shivering, fever, weak and will not able to feel your legs, will happen suddenly 1-2 hours later... happened to me once I was picking out algae in between them.. and took out some of them..and went away with Advil gels. It’s probably in your head, just go get some cold fresh air, that will make you feel better.


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Update: I’m feeling much better. I think it was in my head. Here’s some photos of the zoas tho


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Must be covid.

I bare hand my tank and get water in my mouth seriously every time I start the siphon cause I’m too lazy to auto prime and I have 15 different types of zoas/palys and have never gotten sick.
me too except I think I have more than 15. :cool:
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Thanks everyone for the advice. I didnt get any good pictures at the LFS before I bought them but they are pretty and colorful. One is for sure a watermelon zoa. One is blue and orange and the other is pinkish. If they open up and i can get a good photo I will post them. I might call poison control if things worsen, but for now they've plateaued. I'd like to avoid hospitals if possible because i feel like they'd just assume covid. I think my anxiety might be playing at least a small role, or I have terrible luck (also possible)
Grab a couple benadryl and pour a scotch, then use the scotch to swallow the benadryl. Repeat if necessary. Sounds like your gonna be ok.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%
Southwest Aquaculture - a coral lover's dream!