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I’m getting a little tired/frustrated with Neptune's general attitude towards their customers...

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Jun 14, 2018
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DAY ONE I had a pH probe that wouldn't calibrate. I even tried other probes and they calibrated just fine. After a few days of getting the runaround from customer service, constantly having to repeat what I shared in the first email, they finally let me send it in. THREE WEEKS LATER I get a probe ("diagnosed and repaired.") Don't they get access to the apex? Can't they see how many times I tried. Isn't the data right there? Anyway, the new probe calibrates fine.

Then the WXM module is constantly kicking the MP40s offline. Same thing… constant run around from customer service. After learning you’re not even supposed to plug them into an eb8/eb832 (fair enough, waste of controllable outlet) and SEVERAL deletions/resets, it worked well for a week. But now I just decided to say ‘screw it’ when they go missing. I'd rather constantly delete/reset then deal with customer service.

Internet disconnects. Apparently everything else in my place, from several phones/tablets/computers/gaming systems/streaming devices can stay online, but the Apex simply must be a user error. /s

And back to the pH readings… le sigh. I have 2 PM1 modules and the base unit. (Technically 3 PM1s but the 3rd won't calibrate probes or even stay consistent with temp. (The thing didn’t even come with a mounting bracket.) BRS was kind enough to replace it and told me I could just keep the defective one. So I don't bother with it outside of using it for a 2nd breakout box. (and yes, if you want to have a second breakout box you need to spend 90 bucks for another module.) 0_o

Anyway, with the 3 working connections I start testing FOUR different brands of pH probes. All of which start to drift, in various directions, within a day. So I take the time to play musical chairs and shift probes to the next connection in line. Same issue. Move them down the line… same issue… I now have an Alkitronic. This thing sends a consistent digital signal for calibration and the Apex can’t even stay on point!

And don’t get me started on the salinity probe. The best way to calibrate this probe is to unplug it and put it in the trash. It simply can’t be trusted long term.

Now I have a 2 month old Flow Sensor that just decided to quit. I make sure to let them know the steps I took when testing. Like removing it to make sure there were no obstructions. Testing it on 2 different (correctly updated) FMModules and multiple connections. They say they need pictures of the inside and proof of purchase. Okay…. done. Then they tell me they’d like to setup a phone support session for the following week. What!? Why!? You can clearly see the modules are up and running as well as the other three flow sensors. Now I need to wait a week and explain all this again on the phone? They refuse to explain what they want me to try and just give their typical defensive nonsense about “numerous customers having something not configured correctly.” I swear if I have to replumb this thing into my system AGAIN I’m going to have an aneurysm lol. Even if we manage to get it up and running I’ll never be able to trust it. And when it craps out again it will likely be out of warranty. BTW, if they do issue a replacement you have to cut the cord and send them a picture as proof that you did so. How trusting of them.

Again, can’t they see these modules? I gave them access as far as I remember. I feel like such a sucker for getting myself into this ecosystem. :(

How this company manages to be at the top is baffling. Such poor pricing, poor PR, poor build quality, ridiculous design (these things feel and look like they were created by a first-year industrial design student.) Perhaps being at the top is what allows them to nickel and dime their customers? No need to worry about being anti-consumer when you have the market cornered! :/ And you can’t mention these things around R2R because it’ll suddenly turns into what amounts to a video-game console war and all objectivity goes out the window.

I’ve never worked with a company so determined to treat their customers like the customer is trying to scam them. They act completely aghast that a product could be functioning incorrectly! What is that!? And their constant defensive and condescending tone even leaks into their public facing relations. In their forum responses, I see as many snide comments as I do helpful answers to people’s questions. (Questions that could be answered if their documentation wasn’t the crap show it is.)

It’s the kind of build quality, attitude, and professionalism I’d expect from an unseasoned eBay seller.

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I was certainly having a bad day. Kind of a "straw that broke the camels back" kind of thing.

It's just weird having to jump through so many hoops. And in reading through more reviews, I see its pretty common. Certainly more common than you'd expect from a company that's been around this long. Its SO different than any company I purchased from. (except maybe Comcast lol)

Their strange tone even here on R2R seems so... unprofessional... or counterproductive I guess. Its just rubs me the wrong way I suppose. The example I gave, of asking customers to cut the cord and then send a photo of a destroyed Flow Sensor (before they'll issue a replacement), certainly is not that big of a deal. But... idk... it feels like a small example of how Neptune approaches their customer base with other issues.

Ultimately, perhaps my expectations of these products is much higher than it reasonably should be. And to be fair, I certainly couldn't handle being a PR/customer service rep haha
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As a follow up to this. The flow sensor crapped out again. I was speaking with a rep via web chat and he suddenly went AWOL. I finally checked in and ask if hes there and he said "On a support call right now."
...He left the chat to hop on a call and help another customer. Mid conversation haha!! I waited almost an hour... and I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be angry. It was just so ridiculous.

As for pH, they continue to drift. I did speak with a rep (who was actually great!) but it doesn't seem to work properly. I'm ordering multiple probes and going to test the different modules with the same brand, rather than comparing with different brands. Hopefully this will help me narrow down the issue.


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After power-bar failures (which ended up dumping entire ATO) modules constantly going offline, pH that would shift .2 within a couple days after calibration, Flow Sensors randomly resetting to 0, man... the list goes on and on.

On top of MANY MANY issues I had the last and final straw happen today. : I'm currently upgrading to GHL and decided to downgrade the 2016 to Apex Classic while I sell the other stuff. Fusion was working but the Apex Classic Dashboard wouldn't show up. So on a phone support the guy deleted some programming to resend it to basically reset the unit. HE BRICKED THE ENTIRE THING. I kid you not. And now, in typical Neptune fusion, I'm expected to pay for shipping and repair.

I actually considered keeping the Classic for Radion control but I'm finally fed up. I can't believe I even considered holding on to one of their products.

Good riddance.
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