Hydros x10 ATO


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Hello I’m new to the whole hydros thing but I have an x10. I am looking to do ATO and the minimum and maybe even automatic water top off. What I’m confused about is if the dosing motors would be able to perform the pumping out of the water or would I need the ATO kit or separate pump. I currently have the three level water sensor.

My LFS sold me a ATO kit but it’s just another water level sensor and a pump it looks like. I’m just wondering if the x10 built in pumps could do the trick, thanks!


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Hello I’m new to the whole hydros thing but I have an x10. I am looking to do ATO and the minimum and maybe even automatic water top off. What I’m confused about is if the dosing motors would be able to perform the pumping out of the water or would I need the ATO kit or separate pump. I currently have the three level water sensor.

My LFS sold me a ATO kit but it’s just another water level sensor and a pump it looks like. I’m just wondering if the x10 built in pumps could do the trick, thanks!
You seem to use ATO to sometimes mean Automatic Water Changes. I could see why your LFS sold you what they did


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The dosing pumps on the X10 and are smart dosers and only work at this time using a dosing schedule. So you can do AWC using a dosing schedule but you will not be able to do the ATO easily but it is probably possible to do by creating a dosing schedule to have it dose say evey 15 minutes for an given amount of time then create a output using thr generic output and use the water level sensor for the ATO as an input and make it active if dry. That way the output would be on when dry. Then use that output in the depends on of the ATO schedule and set the depenency mode to off if off. That way if the ATO output is off the schedule will not run. The ATO kit would be a lot easier since you could just use the ATO output type with it and connect the pump to a drive port. In any case you will need to use an output to disable the ATO output when the AWC is running if you use a dosing schedule and the X10 pumps. I did the dosing schedule with my Minnow which also has smart dosers. Below are screenshots of my pump output settings you will need to change them for the X10 since the Minnow has a max flow rate of 55 and the X10 can go to 100 but I would keep it 75 and below if you can. There is also screenshots of the schedule and the output to halt the ATO and screenshots of the ATO. I use a dosing pump so my Max and Min times are based on that with the Hydros ATO pump you will probably want to use seconds instead of minutes on minimum and maximum on times.







