some folks use that selcone or whatever it’s called… as a soak
I have also, but just seems to me most it redissolves back into the water column anyway…
Only freeze dried I use is coral food (Reef-Roids, BRS Reef Chili, Reef Blizzard) and I just put an ounce or two of tank water and let it soak for 20ish minutes. It doesn't have to soak that long, but I like to wait if i'm not spot feeding, and just broadcast feeding.
I currently just re-hydrate with tank water (mix up a day's worth in the morning, give it a half an hour to soak and feed it out over the course of the day).
I used to use selcon, brightwell amin-omega, and coral-amino but I had a problem with dinos and read somewhere that aminos could feed them so I have stopped using them for now